Opened 6 years ago
Closed 6 years ago
#4407 closed defect (fixed)
Test failure on 32bit: tickets ... #3719
Reported by: | myon | Owned by: | pramsey |
Priority: | blocker | Milestone: | PostGIS 3.0.0 |
Component: | postgis | Version: | master |
Keywords: | Cc: |
Description ¶
Building PostGIS 3alpha1 fails on i386 (32-bit intel) on all Debian/Ubuntu releases:
16:25:14 tickets .. failed (diff expected obtained: /tmp/pgis_reg/test_98_diff) 16:25:14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16:25:14 --- tickets_expected 2019-05-26 12:16:34.000000000 +0000 16:25:14 +++ /tmp/pgis_reg/test_98_out 2019-05-31 14:25:14.318429553 +0000 16:25:14 @@ -305,7 +305,8 @@ 16:25:14 #3709|t 16:25:14 NOTICE: Hole lies outside shell at or near point 25495368.044100001 6671726.9312000005 16:25:14 #3719a|f 16:25:14 -#3719b|t 16:25:14 +NOTICE: Self-intersection 16:25:14 +#3719b|f 16:25:14 #3774|t 16:25:14 #1014a|POINT(0 0) 16:25:14 #1014a|POINT(0 0) 16:25:14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Change History (19)
comment:1 by , 6 years ago
comment:2 by , 6 years ago
Summary: | Test failure on 32bit: tickets ... /tmp/pgis_reg/test_98_diff → Test failure on 32bit: tickets ... #3719 |
comment:3 by , 6 years ago
It sounds GEOS related, what version of GEOS are you running ? The test is for issue #3719
comment:5 by , 6 years ago
Priority: | medium → blocker |
Setting as blocker because the package doesn't build cleanly on
comment:6 by , 6 years ago
Looking at the #3719 ticket, that ticket is all about linearization, which for close-to-tolerance cases can produce invalid output from valid (in a curvey sense) input. So this is probably something in linearization, which seems to be a constantly churning part of the code base (everyone has their own defn of what a "correct" linearization (or de-linearization) looks like).
That said, blame shows no changes since 8 months ago when dbaston took a run at #3719. We haven't had 32 bit issues all this time, right?
comment:7 by , 6 years ago
Well this is a new test that Darafei introduced to test FULL JOIN.
and you know how much of a master he is at putting together tests that break everything you thought was working /
comment:8 by , 6 years ago
Sorry got this confused with - #4433
which is also a 32-bit error but different from this one.
This particular one I am not seeing on windows 32-bit or freebsd 32-bit so must be a different issue
comment:9 by , 6 years ago
I should add on 32-bit testing with GEOS 3.8 head and freebsd 32-bit is at GEOS: 3.6.3-CAPI-1.10.3 80c13047
So could still be an issue with GEOS 3.7.1 (and 32-bit). I'll try to do a 32-bit test on windows to try to replicate.
comment:10 by , 6 years ago
one more thing I just realized — myon is testing against pg12. My 32-bits are testing on PostgreSQL 10 (I don't build 32-bit on 11 and above since EDB stopped shipping 32-bit windows binaries so no audience for them).
Could this issue be related to the float changes in PG12?
comment:11 by , 6 years ago
I can reproduce this with Debian buster 32 bits, using Postgresql 11.4 and GEOS 3.7.1.
comment:12 by , 6 years ago
Also fails to build on armel, armhf & x32:
Click the links in the Status column for the full buildlog.
comment:13 by , 6 years ago
armel: Failing because of #4433 (already fixed, not included in last RC) armhf: Same as armel i386: Fails because of #4433 and this ticket. x32: Same as armel
So armel, armhf and x32 should be already ok with trunk, but i386 is still affected by this issue:
#3719a|f -#3719b|t +NOTICE: Self-intersection
comment:14 by , 6 years ago
Comparing 64 vs 32 bits:
Select postgis_geos_noop('CURVEPOLYGON(COMPOUNDCURVE(CIRCULARSTRING(1.0441 2.9312,1.3959388 2.93601515,1.7478 2.9333), (1.7478 2.9333,1.0441 2.9312)))'::geometry);
Select ST_AsText(postgis_geos_noop('CURVEPOLYGON(COMPOUNDCURVE(CIRCULARSTRING(1.0441 2.9312,1.3959388 2.93601515,1.7478 2.9333), (1.7478 2.9333,1.0441 2.9312)))'::geometry));
POLYGON((1.0441 2.9312,1.39593876394092 2.93601514989239,1.7478 2.9333,1.0441 2.9312))
POLYGON((1.0441 2.9312,1.39593876394092 2.93601514989239,1.7478 2.9333,1.7478 2.9333,1.0441 2.9312))
The 32b version is producing an extra point, which makes the polygon invalid.
comment:15 by , 6 years ago
I've narrowed it down to lwgeom_stroke:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __custom_segmentize(geom geometry, integer DEFAULT 32) RETURNS geometry AS '$libdir/postgis-3', 'LWGEOM_curve_segmentize' LANGUAGE 'c' IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE; Select ST_AsText(__custom_segmentize('CURVEPOLYGON(COMPOUNDCURVE(CIRCULARSTRING(1.0441 2.9312,1.3959388 2.93601515,1.7478 2.9333), (1.7478 2.9333,1.0441 2.9312)))'::geometry));
POLYGON((1.0441 2.9312,1.39593876394092 2.93601514989239,1.7478 2.9333,1.7478 2.9333,1.0441 2.9312))
POLYGON((1.0441 2.9312,1.39593876394092 2.93601514989239,1.7478 2.9333,1.0441 2.9312))
BTW, I understand that LWGEOM_curve_segmentize should be replaced by the default deprecated C function as it's not used by the SQL code anymore.
comment:16 by , 6 years ago
It appears than a tolerance of 0.0 to remove repeated points in lwcompound_linearize
is too small in 32b systems.
Using DBL_EPSILON also doesn't work (kind of expected), but FLT_EPSILON works. I'm reviewing lwarc_linearize
to see if we can do anything there to improve the precision of 32 bit systems; if not I'll just increase the tolerance to FLT_EPSILON.
comment:18 by , 6 years ago
I've looked a bit deeper into it and the issue seems to be the workaround to avoid collapsing arc introduced in r16998.
In this case the angle described by the arc is 0.0428024008
, and the increment calculated by the tolerance passed is 0.0490873852
The workaround changes the increment to angle / 2, which is 0.0214012004
but at this point the floating point precision under 32b systems (probably using 64 doubles) is not enough and that means it adds an extra point:
1.04410000000000002807 2.93120000000000002771 <<< Start of segment 1.39593876394092175630 2.93601514989238987496 << Extra point in segment 1.74780000000000113047 2.93329999999999824212 << Extra point added in 32b (due to imprecision) 1.74780000000000002025 2.93330000000000001847 << End of segment
For this case where the tolerance is bigger than the arc angle and the 3 points are not colinear, I returning the input as the linearization is both correct and avoids floating point precision issues. What do you think @dbaston?
Problem persists in 3alpha2.