Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#4047 closed defect (fixed)

Docs are broken on trunk, add SVN revision number and show git time in UTC

Reported by: robe Owned by: robe
Priority: blocker Milestone: PostGIS 2.5.0
Component: documentation Version: master
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by robe)

Even though I got the job running again, the docs are still broken for trunk.

05:37:19 generating ../images/st_subdivide01.png
05:37:19 Could not find style named Style01
05:37:21 generating ../images/st_subdivide02.png
05:37:23 make[1]: *** [Makefile:178: ../images/st_subdivide02.png] Error 1
05:37:23 make[1]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/PostGIS_Make_Dist/label/debbie/20b95b81feb9f7e80dc829cd53f2640db4d2933e/doc/html/image_src'
05:37:23 make: *** [Makefile:311: images] Error 2
05:37:23 /usr/bin/xsltproc --novalid ./xsl/postgis_aggs_mm.xml.xsl postgis-out.xml > postgis_aggs_mm.xml
05:37:23 if test x"dbtoepub" = x; then \
05:37:23    echo "Error: dbtoepub not found, can't build epub"; \
05:37:23    echo "       try installing dbtoepub"; \
05:37:25    false; \
05:37:25 else \
05:37:25 	dbtoepub -c "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/PostGIS_Make_Dist/label/debbie/20b95b81feb9f7e80dc829cd53f2640db4d2933e/doc/html/style.css" \
05:37:25 	 -o postgis-2.5.0dev.epub \
05:37:25 	  postgis-out.xml; \
05:37:25 fi

I still have to investigate what's up. Lot of imagemagick errors I don't recal seeing before, but don't think that's the main issue.

Change History (19)

comment:1 by robe, 7 years ago

Component: postgisdocumentation
Owner: changed from pramsey to robe

comment:2 by robe, 7 years ago

In 16462:

Replace Style01-Style06 with Style1-Style6 — we don't have styles called Style0x so was breaking the build.
References #4047

comment:3 by robe, 7 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:4 by robe, 7 years ago

I'll close this ticket if the r16462 fixes it, I may have caused additional problems trying to put the SVN number back in, so will close this once confirmed that is working okay.

comment:5 by robe, 7 years ago

In 16464:

Turn of translation building for now until debug issue with it
References #4047

comment:6 by robe, 7 years ago

In 16465:

Take out attempt to add svn number to revision or change the title at all
References #4047

comment:7 by robe, 7 years ago

In 16466:

update-po and put back the timestamp, put ? for now for svn rev
References #4047

comment:8 by robe, 7 years ago

In 16467:

Fix sed replace call echo out svn number
References #4047

comment:9 by robe, 7 years ago

In 16468:

Fix sed replace that injects UTC date and SVN revision number
Change to just build BR and DE for now
References #4047

comment:10 by robe, 7 years ago

Okay I think r16468 should fix everything including injecting the git log timestamp as UTC time instead of Unix timestamp and also injecting the SVN revision number Dan Baston requested.

comment:11 by robe, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:12 by robe, 7 years ago

In 16469:

bah so close I remarked out an fi by mistake
References #4047

comment:13 by robe, 7 years ago

In 16470:

Add logic to show git log timestamp in UTC instead of Unix timestamp and put in svn revision number
References #4047 for PostGIS 2.4

comment:14 by robe, 7 years ago

Summary: Docs are broken on trunkDocs are broken on trunk, add SVN revision number and show git time in UTC

comment:15 by robe, 7 years ago

In 16472:

variable typo
References #4047 for PostGIS 2.4

comment:16 by robe, 7 years ago

In 16474:

this for sure will fix revision # this time I tested before hand
References #4047 for PostGIS 2.4

comment:17 by robe, 7 years ago

In 16475:

this for sure will fix revision # this time I tested beforehand
References #4047 for PostGIS 2.5 (trunk)

comment:18 by robe, 7 years ago

In 16476:

Seems sometimes the postgis_svn_revision.h gets wiped out, so end up with no svn number.
Explicitly call to ensure we have an svn number to read
References #4047 for PostGIS 2.5 (trunk)

comment:19 by robe, 7 years ago

In 16477:

Seems sometimes the postgis_svn_revision.h gets wiped out, so end up with no svn number.
Explicitly call to ensure we have an svn number to read
References #4047 for PostGIS 2.4

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