Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#3851 closed defect (fixed)

Can't build postgis 2.1.9 docs

Reported by: robe Owned by: pramsey
Priority: medium Milestone: PostGIS 2.1.9
Component: postgis Version: 2.1.x
Keywords: Cc:


Seems there is an xml parse error in tags/2.1.9 and also in branch/2.1

All the bots are also complaining and failing.

The tar ball seems okay though so maybe the comments included in there were from a prior build. I think it's only the comments building that would be botched by an xml parse error.

So might only be an issue for folks trying to build from git or svn.

make[2]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/postgis/branches/2.1/extensions/postgis_topology'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/postgis/branches/2.1/extensions'
PostGIS was built successfully. Ready to install.
make -C doc check
make[1]: Entering directory '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/postgis/branches/2.1/doc'
/usr/bin/xmllint --loaddtd --xinclude --valid postgis-out.xml > /dev/null
release_notes.xml:11: element simplesect: validity error : Element simplesect content does not follow the DTD, expecting ((title , subtitle? , titleabbrev?) , (calloutlist | glosslist | bibliolist | itemizedlist | orderedlist | segmentedlist | simplelist | variablelist | caution | important | note | tip | warning | literallayout | programlisting | programlistingco | screen | screenco | screenshot | synopsis | cmdsynopsis | funcsynopsis | classsynopsis | fieldsynopsis | constructorsynopsis | destructorsynopsis | methodsynopsis | formalpara | para | simpara | address | blockquote | graphic | graphicco | mediaobject | mediaobjectco | informalequation | informalexample | informalfigure | informaltable | equation | example | figure | table | msgset | procedure | sidebar | qandaset | task | anchor | bridgehead | remark | highlights | abstract | authorblurb | epigraph | indexterm | beginpage)+), got ()
Makefile:357: recipe for target 'check' failed
make[1]: *** [check] Error 4
make[1]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/postgis/branches/2.1/doc'
GNUmakefile:88: recipe for target 'docs-check' failed
make: *** [docs-check] Error 2

Change History (1)

comment:1 by robe, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

okay looks like you fixed the xml error at r15773. I fudged and used the release_notes.xml you patched to build the docs using rest of 2.1.9 tag.

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