Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#3593 closed patch (fixed)

Error in Manual - extras_tigergeocoder.xml.pot

Reported by: ruvyn Owned by: robe
Priority: low Milestone: PostGIS 2.3.0
Component: documentation Version: master
Keywords: PostGIS 2.3.0dev Manual Cc:


  1. in Abstract

"For instructions on how enable the extension in your database and also to load data using it, refer to Refer to …"

refer to Refer to → refer to

  1. in Abstract

"… that the county and <varname>county</varname> and <varname>state</varname> tables are no longer …"

→ that <varname>county</varname> and <varname>state</varname> tables are no longer

  1. in Abstract

"<ulink url="">Nominatim</ulink> and uses …"

→ <ulink url="">Nominatim</ulink> uses

  1. in Drop_Nation_Tables_Generate_Script

"… or stae code followed by …"

stae → state

  1. in Geocode

"New parameter max_results useful for specifying ot just return the best result."

→ New parameter max_results is useful for specifying or just returning the best result.

  1. in Geocode_Intersection

"Takes in 2 streets that intersect and a state, city, zip, and outputs a set of possible locations on the first cross street that is at the intersection, also includes a point geometry in NAD 83 long lat, a normalized address for each location, and the rating. The lower the rating the more likely the match. Results are sorted by lowest rating first. Can optionally pass in maximum results, defaults to 10. Returns <varname>normalized_address</varname> (addy) for each, geomout as the point location in nad 83 long lat, and the rating. The lower the rating the more likely the match. Results are sorted by lowest rating first. Uses Tiger data (edges,faces,addr), PostgreSQL fuzzy string matching (soundex,levenshtein)"

→ Takes in 2 streets that intersect and a state, city, zip, and outputs a set of possible locations on the first cross street that is at the intersection, also includes a geomout as the point location in NAD 83 long lat, a <varname>normalized_address</varname> (addy) for each location, and the rating. The lower the rating the more likely the match. Results are sorted by lowest rating first. Can optionally pass in maximum results, defaults to 10. Uses Tiger data (edges, faces, addr), PostgreSQL fuzzy string matching (soundex, levenshtein).

  1. in Get_Geocode_Setting

"Use customized settingsa re in …"

→ Use customized settings are in

Change History (3)

comment:1 by ruvyn, 9 years ago

For 1., "… how enable …" → how to enable

comment:2 by robe, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 14982:

documentation corrections from ruvyn for tiger geocoder
Closes #3593 for PostGIS 2.2

comment:3 by robe, 9 years ago

In 14983:

documentation corrections from ruvyn for tiger geocoder
Closes #3593 for PostGIS 2.3

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