Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#3503 closed defect (fixed)

ST_ColorMap regress failing on PostgreSQL 9.6 debbie

Reported by: robe Owned by: robe
Priority: critical Milestone: PostGIS PostgreSQL
Component: raster Version: master
Keywords: Cc:


I suspect this is a similar issue to #3502 that something changed in the planner in PostgreSQL 9.6 so the order of returned items is not the same as it used to be.

 rt_colormap .. failed (diff expected obtained: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/postgis/tmp/2_3_pg9.6w64/test_70_diff)
--- rt_colormap_expected	2015-11-28 06:43:34.770196254 +0000
+++ /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/postgis/tmp/2_3_pg9.6w64/test_70_out	2016-03-12 20:02:32.996801052 +0000
@@ -7,30 +7,108 @@
 NOTICE:  Method INTERPOLATE requires at least two non-NODATA colormap entries. Using NEAREST instead
 NOTICE:  Method INTERPOLATE requires at least two non-NODATA colormap entries. Using NEAREST instead

The regress I assume probably just needs and ORDER BY in it.

Change History (10)

comment:1 by robe, 9 years ago

Looking at the last couple of committs from PostgreSQL folks, It might be this commit the screwed up the order of ST_GeneratePoints and ST_ColorMap.

Commit 9118d03a8cca3d97327c56bf89a72e328e454e63 by Tom Lane

When appropriate, postpone SELECT output expressions till after ORDER
It is frequently useful for volatile, set-returning, or expensive
functions in a SELECT's targetlist to be postponed till after ORDER BY
and LIMIT are done.  Otherwise, the functions might be executed for
every row of the table despite the presence of LIMIT, and/or be executed
in an unexpected order.  For example, in
SELECT x, nextval('seq') FROM tab ORDER BY x LIMIT 10; it's probably
desirable that the nextval() values are ordered the same as x, and that
nextval() is not run more than 10 times.
In the past, Postgres was inconsistent in this area: you would get the 
desirable behavior if the ordering were performed via an indexscan, but 
not if it had to be done by an explicit sort step.  Getting the desired 
behavior reliably required contortions like
SELECT x, nextval('seq')
This patch conditionally postpones evaluation of pure-output target 
expressions (that is, those that are not used as DISTINCT, ORDER BY, or 
GROUP BY columns) so that they effectively occur after sorting, even if
an explicit sort step is necessary.  Volatile expressions and
set-returning expressions are always postponed, so as to provide
consistent semantics. Expensive expressions (costing more than 10 times
typical operator cost, which by default would include any user-defined
function) are postponed if there is a LIMIT or if there are expressions
that must be postponed.
We could be more aggressive and postpone any nontrivial expression, but 
there are costs associated with doing so: it requires an extra Result
plan node which adds some overhead, and postponement changes the volume
of data going through the sort step, perhaps for the worse.  Since we
tend not to have very good estimates of the output width of nontrivial
expressions, it's hard to have much confidence in our ability to predict
whether postponement would increase or decrease the cost of the sort;
therefore this patch doesn't attempt to make decisions conditionally on
that. Between these factors and a general desire not to change query
behavior when there's not a demonstrable benefit, it seems best to be
conservative about applying postponement.  We might tweak the decision
rules in the future, though.
Konstantin Knizhnik, heavily rewritten by me

Anyrate like I said, means we need to force the output of the set returning funcs now more than ever:

comment:2 by robe, 9 years ago

(In [14793]) Force sorting in ST_ColorMap test references #3503

comment:3 by robe, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

(In [14794]) Force sorting in ST_ColorMap test (fix aliasing issue rid was aliased as testid) closes #3503

comment:4 by robe, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

drats that didn't fix it.

comment:5 by robe, 9 years ago

I just took out 9.6 from debbie's 2.3 run for now until I can nail down the issue here.

comment:6 by robe, 9 years ago

okay this is not just a sorting issue. It seem the multiple calls of the function triggered by:


is actually creating duplicate records (one for each column). Even though people aren't supposed to do that because it does call the function for each column output by the (.*), I suspect this was an unintentional change in behavior in PostgreSQL 9.6.

I could just change the tests to pass, but instead I'll complain upstream first to confirm they did intend this behavior change.

comment:7 by robe, 9 years ago

Okay I reported upstream

Long story short - consensus is old behavior was a bug, but a bug they understand people considered a feature. So there is debate whether to support the old buggy behavior, throw an error, or just give the optimal response even though it would result in people's old code giving unexpected buggy answers.

I'll wait till whatever they have decided on is committed and either rewrite the test using the recommended syntax or just turn 9.6 testing back on if they emulate old behavior.

I should add this surprising behavior only happens in case where you order by or group by a value in the SRF

SELECT (ST_DumpValues(rast)).*
FROM rtable
ORDER BY nband;

and not

SELECT (ST_DumpValues(rast)).*
FROM rtable;
Last edited 9 years ago by robe (previous) (diff)

comment:8 by robe, 9 years ago

Owner: changed from dustymugs to robe
Status: reopenednew

comment:9 by robe, 9 years ago

Milestone: PostGIS 2.3.0PostGIS PostgreSQL
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

I forgot I still have the git postgresql 9.6 tests running after each 9.6 commit, and this test seems to be passing now, but now it's topology failing. So I'll close this one and open one for topology.

comment:10 by robe, 9 years ago

For completeness, here is Tom's committ that fixed the issue:

    Don't split up SRFs when choosing to postpone SELECT output expressions. (details)

Commit d543170f2fdd6d9845aaf91dc0f6be7a2bf0d9e7 by Tom Lane

Don't split up SRFs when choosing to postpone SELECT output expressions.
In commit 9118d03a8cca3d97 we taught the planner to postpone evaluation
of set-returning functions in a SELECT's targetlist until after any sort
done to satisfy ORDER BY.  However, if we postpone some SRFs this way
while others do not get postponed (because they're sort or group key
columns) we will break the traditional behavior by which all SRFs in the
tlist run in-step during ExecTargetList(), so that you get the least
common multiple of their periods not the product.  Fix
make_sort_input_target() so it will not split up SRF evaluation in such
There is still a hazard of similar odd behavior if there's a SRF in a 
grouping column and another one that isn't, but that was true before and
we're just trying to preserve bug-compatibility with the traditional 
behavior.  This whole area is overdue to be rethought and reimplemented, 
but we'll try to avoid changing behavior until then.
Per report from Regina Obe.
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