Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#3082 closed defect (fixed)

Error soft-upgrading from 2.1 to 2.2

Reported by: strk Owned by: strk
Priority: medium Milestone: PostGIS 2.2.0
Component: build Version: master
Keywords: Cc: Bborie Park, robe


Cannot upgrade (via scripts) from 2.0.7dev to 2.1.6dev:

PSQL="psql --set ON_ERROR_STOP=1"                                               
dropdb $DB                                                                      
createdb $DB                                                                    
${PSQL} -f postgis-2.0-9.1/postgis/postgis.sql $DB                              
${PSQL} -f postgis-2.0-9.1/raster/rt_pg/rtpostgis.sql $DB                       
${PSQL} -f postgis-2.1-9.1/postgis/postgis_upgrade.sql $DB                      
${PSQL} -f postgis-2.1-9.1/raster/rt_pg/rtpostgis_upgrade.sql $DB

Change History (13)

comment:1 by strk, 9 years ago

Component: postgisbuild/upgrade/install
Owner: changed from pramsey to strk

comment:2 by strk, 9 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

false alarm, it looks like I can upgrade now, might have had some non-updated object around.

comment:3 by strk, 9 years ago

Milestone: PostGIS 2.2.0
Resolution: invalid
Status: closedreopened
Summary: 2.0 to 2.1: ERROR: type addbandarg[] does not existError soft-upgrading from 2.1 to 2.2
Version: 2.1.xtrunk

reopening, now I get:

psql:postgis-2.2-9.1/raster/rt_pg/rtpostgis_upgrade.sql:1002: NOTICE:  type "summarystats" is not yet defined
DETAIL:  Creating a shell type definition.
psql:postgis-2.2-9.1/raster/rt_pg/rtpostgis_upgrade.sql:1010: ERROR:  SQL function cannot return shell type summarystats

comment:4 by strk, 9 years ago

See also #3081, as r13348 might have introduced this.

comment:5 by strk, 9 years ago

Cc: Bborie Park robe added

It looks like the type "summarystats" existed in 2.0.0 but was removed in 2.1.0. Definitions in 2.0 and 2.2 are identical. Do you confirm, Bborie and Regina ?

comment:6 by strk, 9 years ago

I can confirm this myself. Now we have some problem in that:

  • upgrading from 2.0 to 2.1 must DROP the type
  • upgrading from 2.0 to 2.2 must NOT DROP the type

Automating this will require the definition of a label to use (like the Availability one) for representing the need to pre-drop a type before re-creating it.

That is, we currently say that he availability for "summarystats" is 2.2, but instead it was also available in 2.0. Maybe a "Changed" (although not strictly true) could do.

comment:7 by strk, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

With r13349 I've made aware of "Missing in" labels, and added it to "summarystats" type (Availability: 2.0.0; Missing in: 2.1.0).

After also fixing availability info for "agg_count" ( r13350 ) both upgrades from 2.0 and 2.1 work for me (tested via scripts).

comment:8 by lrssvt, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

I am experiencing the same error when upgrading to 2.2.0 via scripts. After running the rtpostgis_upgrade.sql script I am getting:

NOTICE:  type "summarystats" is not yet defined
DETAIL:  Creating a shell type definition.
ERROR:  SQL function cannot return shell type summarystats

while all fine with postgis and topology scripts.

comment:9 by strk, 9 years ago

Salvatore: upgrading from which version ? Can you show the output of "SELECT postgis_full_version()" in the source database ?

comment:10 by lrssvt, 9 years ago

upgrading from 2.2.0dev r12038

POSTGIS="2.2.0 r14208" GEOS="3.5.0-CAPI-1.9.0 r4084" SFCGAL="1.2.0" PROJ="Rel. 4.7.1, 23 September 2009" GDAL="GDAL 1.11.0, released 2014/04/16" LIBXML="2.8.0" TOPOLOGY RASTER (raster procs from "2.2.0dev r12038" need upgrade)

comment:11 by strk, 9 years ago

Did you get to 2.2.0dev in an upgrade from 2.1.0 ? I suspect you had a broken 2.2.0dev, basically, due to this bug.

The upgrade script won't add it from 2.2.0 to 2.2.0, but it should add it from 2.1.x to 2.2.0. Try sourcing rtpostgis_upgrade.sql from 2.1.0 first and then get back to this 2.2.0 one.

Or you could manually edit the rtpostgis_upgrade.sql from 2.2.0 to tweak the conditional summarystats addition:

 -- Type summarystats -- LastUpdated: 200
 DO LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
   IF 200 > version_from_num
 OR version_from_num IN ( 201 )     FROM _postgis_upgrade_info

comment:12 by lrssvt, 9 years ago

2.2.0dev has always worked very well, no problem. A while ago I did upgrade constantly from trunk, now a little less, so yes 2.2.0dev is an upgrading from 2.1.0dev.

Tweaking the conditional in the script does the job, thanks (I had to tweak type agg_count as well)

comment:13 by strk, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

Another way could have been to replace your postgis_scripts_installed() to pretend you were running 2.1 instead of 2.2. Anyway, I guess it's too late for testing that now …

Closing again, assuming the "cheating" approach would work (if you can test and it doesn't work, reopen again).

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