Opened 12 years ago
Last modified 8 years ago
#2474 new enhancement
[raster]: ST_Union that takes 2 rasters
Reported by: | robe | Owned by: | dustymugs |
Priority: | medium | Milestone: | PostGIS Fund Me |
Component: | raster | Version: | master |
Keywords: | Cc: |
Description ¶
I'm finding myself constantly needing to do a union of just two rasters. So I often end up doing ugly things like
SELECT ST_Union(f.rast) FROM (SELECT rast FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON ST_Intersects(table1.rast,1,table2.geom) WHERE table2.gid =1 UNION ALL SELECT ST_AsRaster(somegeom, rast,100) FROM ST_Intersects(table1.rast,1,table2.geom) WHERE table2.gid = 1) As f
When all I want to do is this
SELECT ST_Union(rast, ST_AsRaster(somegeom,rast) ) FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON ST_Intersects(rast,1, table2.geom) WHERE table2.gid = 1
In theory I could use MapAlgebra but MapAlgebra blows my mind with all the permutations of it.
Note geometry has an ST_Union(geom1,geom2) so it would be in line with what we do with geometry already except we'd have an optional expression type
So I'm think the proto would look like
ST_Union(rast1,rast2, expressiontype = 'LAST')
Change History (4)
comment:1 by , 12 years ago
comment:2 by , 12 years ago
thinking about this more ST_Union geometry has a ST_Union(geometry[]) array version.
That might be more valuable than ST_Union(rast,rast) if we had a ST_Union(rast[],..)
Because I could do crazy stuff like
ST_Union(ST_Union(ARRAY[rast1,rast2,rast3], 'SUM'), 'MEAN')
Such a case would be useful if I want to convert multiple bands (different themes of same space) to a single band and then group by some division.
comment:3 by , 10 years ago
Milestone: | PostGIS 2.2.0 → PostGIS Future |
Based on the ST_Union signature, would the function be unioning all bands of rast1 and rast2?