wiki:Press Release 3

OSGeo Live DVD joins Google Summer of Code

25 March 2009

Us packagers at the OSGeo Live DVD project are pleased to announce that we have joined other OSGeo projects in offering students the opportunity to get paid and mentored creating great Geospatial Open Source Software as part of the Google Summer of Code program.

From the Live DVD, you can trial the best GeoSpatial Open Source Software without installing any applications on your computer. It is ideal for use in training courses and handing out to people wanting to try GeoSpatial Open Source for the first time.

We are looking for keen developers to help us improve our cross project infrastructure, in particular focusing on quality through the development of systematic testing processes. This will be a great opportunity for students who would like to gain a breath of knowledge across the GeoSpaital Open Source development stack.

More details at:

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