wiki:Press Release 15

Two weeks to write or update OSGeo-Live Quickstart documents

13 February 2011, sent to osgeo-live list

We hope to have Quickstarts written and updated for all OSGeo-Live projects by 28 February (in two weeks). The Quick Start defines detailed steps, with screen shots, for a new user to run one of the application's core functions. It should be able to be run in 5 to 10 minutes.

Could each application owner, please ensure they have a Quickstart, and that the status has been moved up to "4.5draft". If you need help capturing screen shots, please ask, some of our volunteers may be able to help.

Quickstarts with status "4.0draft" (for last release).

Please confirm the Quickstart is still valid and has screenshots, and update [2] if required. Update status [3] to "4.5draft" when finished.

  • geomajas
  • mapfish
  • osm
  • zoo-project
  • deegree
  • geoserver
  • gmt
  • gpsdrive
  • grass
  • mapbender
  • mapserver
  • mapnik
  • marble
  • mb-system
  • opencpn
  • openlayers
  • osgearth
  • ossim
  • udig
  • ushahidi

Quickstarts with status "none"

Please reply to me straight away noting whether you can create a quickstart for your project or not. Please write a Quickstart as per: [1]. Update status [3] to "4.5draft" when finished.

  • gdal
  • geokettle
  • geonetwork
  • gvsig
  • libLAS
  • maptiler
  • naturalearth
  • octave-mapping-toolbox
  • openjump
  • postgis
  • qgis
  • qgis_mapserver
  • R
  • Xubuntu
  • zygrib

Quickstarts with status "4.5draft"

Thanks for your contribution.

  • 52nSOS
  • 52nWPS
  • atlasstyler
  • geopublisher
  • kosmo
  • otb
  • pgrouting
  • prune
  • rasdaman
  • saga
  • sahana
  • spatialite
  • mapguide
  • viking

[1] The Quickstart process:

[2] Source documents:

[3] Documentation Status:

[4] Docs nightly build:

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on 26 Nov 2017, 09:53:53
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