What should be included in the next GIS Live DVD? ¶
17 December 2009
We are planning two Arramagong GIS Live DVD releases during 2010 and would like to know what applications and functionality people would like to contribute.
Arramagong is based on XUbuntu and GISVM, and allows you to try a wide variety of open source geospatial software without installing anything. It is currently available as:
- A Live DVD, which is regularly handed out at conferences, most recently being given to all delegates at the 2009 FOSS4G conference.
- A Virtual Machine
- Within a web browser from Click2Try: http://www.click2try.com/catalog/Web-Development/Geospatial/Arramagong-GISVM/details
The core success of the Arramagong LiveDVD is due to the simple yet powerful build scripts. All that is required for a relevant project to be incorporated into the LiveDVD is to write a bash shell script which installs the application onto an Ubuntu distribution. Hence, our last distribution attracted over 20 developers and from project announcement to a released distribution took under 6 weeks.
The stack of popular GeoSpatial Open Source Applications included on the Arramagong LiveDVD includes:
- deegree
- GeoKettle
- GeoNetwork
- GeoServer
- GpsDrive
- gvSIG
- Kosmo
- Mapfish
- Mapnik
- Mapserver
- MapTiler
- Marble
- MB System
- Open Jump
- Open Layers
- pgRouting
- PostGIS
- PROJ.4
- QuantumGIS
- uDig
Milestones ¶
- 24 Jan 2010: Version 3.0 Feature Freeze
- 07 Mar 2010: Version 3.0 Final Release
- 05 Jul 2010: Version 4.0 Feature Freeze
- 16 Aug 2010: Version 4.0 Final Release (ready for FOSS4G 2010)
Ideas for future releases ¶
- Upgrade to Xubuntu 9.10
Should there be sufficient interest, we would like to address the following:
- Upgrade packages to latest versions
- Incorporate new Geospatial packages
- General cleanup
- Incorporate help, tutorials, and training material
- Apply internationalisation
Interested? ¶
You can find more details about the project on our wiki at: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc
Then please contact our mailing list at: http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/live-demo or contact Cameron Shorter directly at: cameronD O TshorterATlisasoftD O Tcom.