

12:42 Ticket #2442 (pgAdmin4 on VMDK v16 fails to start) closed by darkblueb
12:40 Ticket #2442 (pgAdmin4 on VMDK v16 fails to start) created by darkblueb
RC1 VMDK […]


19:56 Ticket #2441 (VMDK python3 datacube demo broken) created by darkblueb


05:42 Ticket #2436 (ncwms shown in docs) closed by kalxas
fixed: Moved to retired now in docs: …


11:11 Ticket #2411 (add version 14 and 15 to https://live-archive.osgeo.org/) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed, thanks Seth!


05:08 Ticket #2440 (uDIG Help, Tutorial etc. not accessible) created by christro


08:39 Ticket #2439 (virtualbox guest additions are already installed in the vmdk) created by christro
The virtualbox guest additions are already installed in the vmdk …
05:52 Ticket #2438 (pgadmin is not starting in 16.0 beta 1) created by christro
[…] Possible Solution […]


17:02 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by signedav
09:01 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde
08:56 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde
08:32 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by tomkralidis
add Doing Geospatial in Python and Diving into pygeoapi workshop links … (diff)


13:38 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by signedav
13:36 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by signedav


06:31 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde


23:09 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde
23:02 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde


05:57 Ticket #2437 (Installation process in the beta 1 .iso in order to be correctly ...) created by manuelaromero
Dear OSGeoLive team, as the vmdk containing the ETF Testing Framework …


19:15 Ticket #2436 (ncwms shown in docs) created by darkblueb
ol16 beta1 ncwms on HOLD, but the entry is in the docs contents page
19:14 Ticket #2425 (ncWMS fails to load basemap) closed by darkblueb
fixed: ol16 beta1 ncwms not included
16:46 Ticket #2403 (pyosmium installs malformed path) closed by darkblueb
wontfix: ol16 beta1 […]
16:31 Ticket #2330 (opendatacube jupyter notebooks) closed by darkblueb
fixed: included in ol16 beta1
13:23 Ticket #2384 (Update Leaflet demo to point to FOSS4G location) reopened by kalxas
The leaflet demo should now point to Prizren
06:18 Ticket #2435 (OTB Installer error) created by darkblueb
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.