Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#771 closed defect (fixed)

AtlasStyler does not open from ISO, but seems to work from VM

Reported by: camerons Owned by: live-demo@…
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: OSGeoLive Keywords: 5.0, atlasstyler, iso


On 23/08/11 00:35, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:

Hi all,

I have been testing 5.0RC1 for a couple of days. I use a netbook for my tests with 1GB RAM and I use the iso version (loaded into a usb).

The main problems I have seen so far are:


  1. atlasstyler - does not open at all from the launcher (Hamish commented that his copy works ok, perhaps it is an ISO thing...)

Change History (15)

comment:1 by alfonx, 14 years ago

Cc: alfonx added

I am trying to reproduce it with ISO within the next 48h. Sorry, stupid question, but I download the iso here: ? which seems to be 5.0.RC2 at the moment.

comment:2 by camerons, 14 years ago

You can download the latest image (currently at osgeo-live 5.0rc2) at

comment:3 by hamish, 14 years ago

works for me in 5.0rc2 (in a VM).

just takes a while to start up.

shrug, Hamish

comment:4 by hamish, 14 years ago

ps- if it fails from the menu, how does it do from the command line?

comment:5 by alfonx, 14 years ago

Reproducable on RC2 ISO: My coworker tells me, that


doesn't have the executable flag set?! This file is extracted from/ created by the atlasstyler.deb package WITH executable flag set?! How could it be, that the flag is getting lost between VM and ISO?

in reply to:  5 comment:6 by hamish, 14 years ago

Replying to alfonx:

Reproducable on RC2 ISO: My coworker tells me, that


doesn't have the executable flag set?! This file is extracted from/ created by the atlasstyler.deb package WITH executable flag set?! How could it be, that the flag is getting lost between VM and ISO?

very odd, I see the same thing in 5.0rc2. VM: +x, ISO: -x.

and it is still broken in the 5.0rc3 ISO.

shall we stash a copy of the script in /usr/local/bin/ (and edit the paths within it), and try to point to there.. ?

ie add this to the end of

cat << EOF >> /usr/bin/atlasstyler

if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
   . /usr/share/atlasstyler/

#?or? if [ ! -x /usr/share/atlasstyler/ ] ; then


comment:7 by hamish, 14 years ago

variant of the patch tested in rc3 & it works, will applied in svn r7068.

please apply locally and test.


comment:8 by hamish, 14 years ago

Keywords: iso added

comment:9 by rouault, 14 years ago

I confirm a permission issue on AtlasStyler with "osgeo-live-5.0-mini.iso 26-Aug-2011 03:12 3.5G"

comment:10 by hamish, 14 years ago

fixed the fix in r7108.

comment:11 by darkblueb, 14 years ago

  sudo find / -name '*.sh' -ls | grep 'r--'

search for .sh scripts without +x perms

comment:12 by hamish, 14 years ago

as per comment:10, this bug was hopefully fixed in r7108.

did the find command find anything? (it wouldn't surprise me if it did)

a theory: it seems the hardlinking of duplicate files need to set all duplicate files as the same permissions? and I don't really know, but maybe it picks the most restrictive to go with. or maybe just the first one it comes to. ?


comment:13 by darkblueb, 14 years ago

this small program in python will filter a list of files to ones that start with #!

Made to be combined with a file list generator and an action, like examine perms for lack of -x

import os,sys

gUsage = '''
  app filename  RETURNS True for #! False otherwise
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
  print gUsage

tFName = sys.argv[1]
tF = open( tFName, 'r')
tChars =

if tChars == '#!':
  print tFName

comment:14 by darkblueb, 14 years ago

this issue appears to be fixed in RC6

comment:15 by alfonx, 14 years ago

Cc: alfonx removed
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

tested on rc6 iso - also works here now. closing as fixed.

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