Opened 14 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#761 closed defect (fixed)

sahana failing to set up Denver content

Reported by: hamish Owned by: live-demo@…
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: OSGeoLive Keywords: 5.0, sahana



the sahana install script tries to use 'sed -i' to set up lat/lon & local Geoserver stuff in /usr/local/lib/web2py/applications/eden/models/, but the search and replace fails as 'lat =' etc are not to be found in that file, and so no replace happens.

result is that there is no local content and the demo is just an empty shell so not super interesting.. -> there's no fake data to explore. (perhaps pre-seed Denver hospitals and shelters ..?)

thanks, Hamish

ps- the quickstart should mention that the user should manually start geoserver from the Web Services menu, or the script should take care of that.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by camerons, 14 years ago

Adding comments from Fran:

On 21/08/11 00:36, Fran Boon wrote:

On 20 August 2011 11:58, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter@…> wrote:

Did you see this? Could you please look into it ASAP. We are planning to cut our final release of OSGeo-Live this Monday 22 August.

I have corrected the file with the default lat/lon/zoom & set the start-sahana to also start GeoServer (although that will need to be updated when GeoServer version is updated)

I don't have any datasets for Denver Hospitals or Shelters. I doubt at this late stage we'd be likely to make good use of them either.

Best Wishes, Fran.

comment:2 by hamish, 14 years ago

Keywords: 5.0 sahana → 5.0, sahana

thanks for the updates, will close the ticket once the updated version is tested.

Fran wrote:

I don't have any datasets for Denver Hospitals or Shelters. I doubt at this late stage we'd be likely to make good use of them either

I mainly meant that as an example, not a specific request, as seeing "No [] currently registered" whenever you click on any of the buttons is not as exciting a demo to explore as one pre-seeded with some sort of real/fake data.

no worries, Hamish

comment:3 by hamish, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

5.0rc2: "get map" now opens on Denver.

closing ticket.


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