Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 9 months ago

#467 new task

remove bulky orphaned packages

Reported by: hamish Owned by: kalxas
Priority: major Milestone: OSGeoLive17.0
Component: OSGeoLive Keywords: apt, iso
Cc: osgeolive@…


the build script hog list has these on it. are they actually installed or just formerly?

91.234 MB        linux-image-2.6.28-11-generic
63.520 MB        linux-headers-2.6.28-15
44.312 MB        xubuntu-artwork
41.066 MB        gnome-games-data
25.738 MB
20.730 MB
26.293 MB
20.680 MB
20.707 MB        gnome-icon-theme

also, 'apt-get autoremove' might be experimented with, any left over -dev packages can probably be removed, saving a couple hundred MB.

and of course run 'apt-get clean' in to clear the /var/cache/apt/archives/ downloaded .deb package dir.


Attachments (3)

disk_usage_plot-12070.png (300.1 KB ) - added by kalxas 10 years ago.
disk_usage_plot-12091.png (303.9 KB ) - added by kalxas 10 years ago.
disk_usage_plot_10.0build145.png (318.7 KB ) - added by kalxas 9 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (70)

comment:1 by hamish, 15 years ago

those listed packages are all installed on the disc. (well, I just checked for the openoffice ones and they are at least)

check /usr/local/share/livedvd-docs/package_manifest.txt for a list of installed packages. (we should probably move that to $LOG_DIR == /var/log/arramagong/ from $DOC_DIR)

  • in hindsight xubuntu-artwork from the above list should probably stay.

what follows is what 'apt-get autoremove' wants to get rid of from 2.0.0-final. anything worth keeping on the list?

The following packages will be REMOVED:
  autotools-dev dctrl-tools debootstrap diffstat dput gettext html2text
  intltool-debian libauthen-sasl-perl libdevel-symdump-perl libdirectfb-dev
  libdirectfb-extra libexpat1-dev libfreetype6-dev libfribidi-dev
  libgcrypt11-dev libgeos-dev libgif-dev libgnutls-dev libgpg-error-dev
  libhdf4g-dev libhdf5-serial-dev libice-dev libicu-dev libio-pty-perl
  libio-stringy-perl libipc-run-perl libjasper-dev libldap2-dev libltdl7-dev
  libmail-sendmail-perl libmysqlclient15-dev libnetcdf-dev libodbcinstq1c2
  libparse-debcontrol-perl libpixman-1-dev libpod-coverage-perl
  libpthread-stubs0 libpthread-stubs0-dev libsm-dev libsqlite3-dev
  libsys-hostname-long-perl libsysfs-dev libtasn1-3-dev libterm-size-perl
  libtest-pod-perl libtiff4-dev libtiffxx0c2 libtool libx11-dev libxau-dev
  libxcb-render-util0-dev libxcb-render0-dev libxcb1-dev libxcomposite-dev
  libxcursor-dev libxdamage-dev libxdmcp-dev libxerces-c2-dev libxext-dev
  libxfixes-dev libxi-dev libxinerama-dev libxrandr-dev libxrender-dev
  libxss-dev mesa-common-dev netcdf-doc po-debconf python-all python2.5-dev
  unixodbc-dev unp x11proto-composite-dev x11proto-core-dev
  x11proto-damage-dev x11proto-fixes-dev x11proto-input-dev x11proto-kb-dev
  x11proto-randr-dev x11proto-render-dev x11proto-scrnsaver-dev
  x11proto-xext-dev x11proto-xinerama-dev xtrans-dev
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 85 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
After this operation, 116MB disk space will be freed.


comment:2 by hamish, 15 years ago

libboost1.38-doc: 180mb +

comment:3 by hamish, 15 years ago

Keywords: iso added

see also #543

comment:4 by darkblueb, 14 years ago

Priority: majornormal

lots of water under the bridge with this one multiple tricks applied to get the finished .iso under 4.4 GB works in rc9

comment:5 by kalxas, 13 years ago

I think this ticket should not be open anymore...

in reply to:  5 comment:6 by hamish, 13 years ago

Replying to kalxas:

I think this ticket should not be open anymore...

I'm not sure if it ever can be, as it's a perpetual problem.

for the 6.0-build-r8942 (Aug 10, 2012) iso here are the standings:

Show top 75 packages hogging the most space on the disc:
107.016 MB 	 linux-image-3.2.0-23-generic
88.471 MB 	 geopublisher
85.491 MB 	 openjdk-7-jre-headless
65.090 MB 	 atlasstyler
53.626 MB 	 linux-headers-3.2.0-29
41.200 MB 	 monteverdi
40.634 MB 	 smbclient
40.164 MB 	 libotb3.14
39.604 MB 	 linux-firmware
39.309 MB 	 geopublishing-doc
37.473 MB 	 firefox
35.707 MB 	 openjdk-7-jdk
32.207 MB 	 pgrouting-workshop
29.963 MB 	 r-base-core
29.842 MB 	 mysql-server-5.5
29.205 MB 	 grass-core
27.778 MB 	 mysql-client-5.5
27.032 MB 	 libqtwebkit4
25.548 MB 	 xubuntu-icon-theme
24.945 MB 	 qgis-common
23.582 MB 	 zygrib-maps
23.164 MB 	 xulrunner-1.9.2
22.703 MB 	 marble-data
21.783 MB 	 vim-runtime
21.781 MB 	 libopenscenegraph80
21.645 MB 	 libwebkitgtk-3.0-0
21.166 MB 	 libicu48
19.875 MB 	 python-wxgtk2.8
19.332 MB 	 libllvm3.0
19.164 MB 	 humanity-icon-theme
19.081 MB 	 libc6-dev
18.015 MB 	 mapserver-bin
17.559 MB 	 language-pack-gnome-fr-base
17.486 MB 	 samba-common-bin
17.369 MB 	 mysql-server-core-5.5
17.349 MB 	 oxygen-icon-theme
17.195 MB 	 libgdal-dev
17.035 MB 	 gmt
16.352 MB 	 fonts-nanum
15.628 MB 	 php5-cgi
15.438 MB 	 libgl1-mesa-dri
15.111 MB 	 language-pack-gnome-es-base
15.035 MB 	 gcc-4.6
14.140 MB 	 language-pack-gnome-pt-base
13.936 MB 	 libavcodec53
13.756 MB 	 perl-modules
13.707 MB 	 ubiquity
13.583 MB 	 libhdf5-serial-dev
13.525 MB 	 libgdal1
13.462 MB 	 gnumeric-common
13.419 MB 	 language-pack-pt-base
13.363 MB 	 git
13.215 MB 	 kde-runtime-data
13.212 MB 	 g++-4.6
13.096 MB 	 gfortran-4.6
13.007 MB 	 opencpn-doc
12.792 MB 	 iso-codes
12.354 MB 	 language-pack-es-base
12.144 MB 	 libqtgui4
12.035 MB 	 gmt-examples
11.819 MB 	 python-qt4
11.525 MB 	 gosmore
11.317 MB 	 docbook-xsl
11.105 MB 	 gmt-doc
10.995 MB 	 perl
10.980 MB 	 postgresql-9.1
10.707 MB 	 libossim1
10.666 MB 	 libbatik-java
10.654 MB 	 linux-headers-3.2.0-29-generic
10.641 MB 	 cpp-4.6
10.175 MB 	 cmake
10.135 MB 	 qgis
10.031 MB 	 app-install-data
9.958 MB 	 libdate-manip-perl
9.883 MB 	 gthumb-data

if we can get away without shipping the kernel headers, we will do that.


comment:7 by micha, 13 years ago

One drawback of not having the kernel headers pops up when you want to add VBox guest additions to a VM. Running the guest additions installer requires headers. But it's not a big deal to install the linux-headers package in the VM, then do the guest additions.

Note for 6.5: This will require adding a few lines in the virtualization quickstart.

in reply to:  7 comment:8 by hamish, 12 years ago

Replying to micha:

One drawback of not having the kernel headers pops up when you want to add VBox guest additions to a VM. Running the guest additions installer requires headers. But it's not a big deal to install the linux-headers package in the VM, then do the guest additions.

There was another problem, checking in the build log showed that the shipped headers (which were the latest version) did not match the non-upgraded kernel on the current ISO. The headers should be gone again now, saving 64.28 MB on the disc. The bug was that once we uninstalled the original ubuntu 12.04 headers it automatically unblocked the installation of the latest security fix version which we had marked for removal only a few lines before. argh.

Note for 6.5: This will require adding a few lines in the virtualization quickstart.

AFAICT those instructions are now in place. AFAIU the "guest additions" are called than and not apt-get'able, requiring download and funny-install from Oracle, because they are non-free (libre) and license encumbered.

The other main reason to have the kernel headers installed is if you install the nVidia proprietary video driver.

Since both these 3rd party software packages require the user to download something substantial already, an apt-get of the kernel-headers package too should not be too much of an extra burden, and indeed the easiest step in that process.

regards, Hamish

comment:9 by hamish, 11 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive7.9

comment:10 by kalxas, 11 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive7.9OSGeoLive8.0

comment:11 by kalxas, 10 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive8.0OSGeoLive8.5
Priority: normalcritical

The nightly build [12091] is now ~200MB larger than 8.5alpha2

comment:12 by kalxas, 10 years ago

From build 12070 to build 12091, logs show (uncompressed disk space):

  • 3MB increase in (probably more updates)
  • 132MB increase from GRASS6 to GRASS7
  • 9MB increase in QGIS (GRASS plugin was removed...)
  • 191MB increase in ipython (there was a download failure in 12070 for ipython so this is normal)
  • 260MB added from Tilemill
  • 185MB increase from rasdaman (this is weird, rasdaman has not changed, perhaps some project is not logged properly, or there is a cleanup problem somewhere)

by kalxas, 10 years ago

Attachment: disk_usage_plot-12070.png added

by kalxas, 10 years ago

Attachment: disk_usage_plot-12091.png added

comment:13 by kalxas, 10 years ago

After we disabled mapfish, tomcat was not started until rasdaman script, so all applications are deployed within

I am now fixing so that all tomcat deployments happen in last step --> All projects have to place their war files in tomcat webapps folder and wait for the last step for them to be deployed.

comment:14 by kalxas, 10 years ago

tomcat and rasdaman issue fixed in [12100]

comment:15 by kalxas, 10 years ago

Priority: criticalmajor

After latest fixes (removing GRASS7 large datasets, tomcat cleanup) disk size is ~3.6GB (target size is usually 3.2-3.3GB for persistence, but we are over it since OSGeoLive 7.0)

comment:16 by kalxas, 9 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive8.5OSGeoLive9.0

Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

comment:17 by kalxas, 9 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive9.0OSGeoLive9.5

Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

comment:18 by kalxas, 9 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive9.5OSGeoLive10.0

Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

comment:19 by kalxas, 9 years ago

Cc: live-demo@… added
Owner: changed from live-demo@… to kalxas
Priority: majorblocker
Status: newassigned

Unfortunately, we have hit a limit with build 148 (after rasdaman, R and 52nSOS updates):

Creating iso...
File ./casper/filesystem.squashfs is larger than 4GiB-1.
-allow-limited-size was not specified. There is no way to represent this file size. Aborting.

Hamish was right, this ticket will never close...

comment:20 by kalxas, 9 years ago

10.0-build145 top 50:

user@osgeolive:~$ dpigs -H -n 50
 172.5M osgeolive-docs
 154.3M linux-image-extra-4.4.0-21-generic
 120.2M fonts-noto-cjk
 116.5M linux-firmware
 107.9M firefox
 105.6M libgl1-mesa-dri
 100.6M libboost1.58-dev
  94.5M openjdk-8-jre-headless
  69.9M qgis-common
  67.0M linux-headers-4.4.0-21
  60.9M gmt-doc
  54.8M python-iris
  53.4M postgresql-9.5-postgis-scripts
  52.9M linux-image-4.4.0-21-generic
  46.1M mysql-server-5.7
  44.2M app-install-data
  43.9M mysql-server-core-5.7
  42.2M libotb-apps
  41.6M python-istsos
  39.7M libllvm3.8
  39.0M libicu-dev
  38.9M libpython2.7-dev
  37.4M openjdk-8-jdk-headless
  37.1M libqt5webkit5
  36.2M python-scipy
  35.7M libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37
  35.3M libqtwebkit4
  34.4M libgdal-dev
  33.0M r-base-core
  32.5M mysql-client-5.7
  29.9M mysql-client-core-5.7
  29.4M libicu55
  29.1M libhdf5-dev
  28.6M python-qgis-osgeolive
  28.4M python-wxgtk3.0
  27.2M grass-core
  26.7M libflite1
  26.7M libopenscenegraph100v5
  26.6M marble-data
  26.2M vim-runtime
  24.2M fonts-nanum
  23.8M zygrib-maps
  23.5M grass-doc
  23.4M lubuntu-icon-theme
  23.1M gcc-5
  22.9M git
  22.5M adwaita-icon-theme-full
  22.3M g++-5
  22.3M python-qgis
  22.0M python-pysal

by kalxas, 9 years ago

comment:21 by kalxas, 9 years ago

Using the following command help proceed to creating an oversized iso, but the live system refuses to boot due to oversize squashfs:

mkisofs -allow-limited-size

comment:22 by kalxas, 9 years ago

Priority: blockermajor

Back to a usable iso with build149

comment:23 by johanvdw, 9 years ago

Priority: majorblocker

Another thing to do: check for large pdf files and compress them with ghostscript.

listing large files:

user@osgeolive:/usr$ find . -name *.pdf -exec du -csm {}  + |sort -nr|head
252	total
140	./local/share/qgis/QGIS-2.8-QGISTrainingManual-en.pdf
35	./local/share/otb/OTBCookBook.pdf
25	./local/share/otb/OTBSoftwareGuide.pdf
15	./local/share/qgis/QGIS-2.8-UserGuide-en.pdf
7	./share/ossim/ossim_users_guide.pdf
7	./local/share/udig/udig-docs/uDigWalkthrough1.pdf
7	./local/share/doc/Getting Started with Ubuntu 14.04 - Second edition.pdf
6	./local/share/eoxserver/doc/EOxServer_documentation-0.4.0.pdf
4	./local/share/OpenJUMP/general_tutorial_foroj16_english_withoutdata.pd

Actually compressing them:

gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite 
                  -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/default 

note that PDFSETTING default provides rather good quality compared to size. You can use screen to compress even more (check ps2pdf man file).

Anyway using this default: 41mb instead of 140 mb for the QGIS training manual; 6.4 instead of 35M for the OTB cookbook.

comment:24 by johanvdw, 9 years ago

Priority: blockermajor

comment:25 by kalxas, 9 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive10.0OSGeoLive10.5

comment:26 by kalxas, 8 years ago

Priority: majorblocker

Currently the 32 bit iso passes the 4GB iso limit, so we need to cut down some space.

comment:27 by kalxas, 8 years ago

user@osgeolive:~$ dpigs -H -n 50
 175.7M osgeolive-docs
 156.1M linux-image-extra-4.8.0-36-generic
 148.5M linux-firmware
 120.2M fonts-noto-cjk
 109.1M firefox
 107.2M libgl1-mesa-dri
 100.6M libboost1.58-dev
  94.7M openjdk-8-jre-headless
  69.9M qgis-common
  69.8M postgresql-9.5-postgis-2.3-scripts
  69.6M linux-headers-4.8.0-36
  67.3M linux-image-4.8.0-36-generic
  60.9M gmt-doc
  54.8M python-iris
  46.1M mysql-server-5.7
  44.2M app-install-data
  44.0M mysql-server-core-5.7
  43.0M libotb-apps
  41.6M python-istsos
  39.7M libllvm3.8
  39.7M libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37
  39.0M libicu-dev
  37.5M openjdk-8-jdk-headless
  37.1M libqt5webkit5
  36.2M python-scipy
  35.3M libqtwebkit4
  34.6M python-qgis-osgeolive
  33.9M libgdal-dev
  33.2M r-base-core
  32.5M mysql-client-5.7
  30.1M grass-core
  30.0M mysql-client-core-5.7
  29.4M libicu55
  29.1M libhdf5-dev
  28.6M grass-doc
  28.4M python-wxgtk3.0
  26.7M libflite1
  26.7M libopenscenegraph100v5
  26.6M marble-data
  26.2M vim-runtime
  24.2M fonts-nanum
  23.8M zygrib-maps
  23.4M lubuntu-icon-theme
  23.1M gcc-5
  22.9M git
  22.5M python-qgis
  22.5M adwaita-icon-theme-full
  22.3M g++-5
  22.0M python-pysal
  21.7M gfortran-5

comment:28 by kalxas, 8 years ago

I am wondering if we should just drop fonts-noto-cjk package

comment:29 by Bas Couwenberg, 8 years ago

If you're not targetting Asian language users that's an option. The package is part of the JOSM dependency chain (among others probably), but is not a strict dependency.

comment:30 by kalxas, 8 years ago

This package is part of the original iso, so yes probably not the best idea. Still looking for alternatives...

comment:31 by kalxas, 8 years ago

how about we drop gmt-doc package?

comment:32 by Bas Couwenberg, 8 years ago

That's an option if the quickstart doesn't use the tutorial data nor PDF & HTML docs.

comment:33 by Bas Couwenberg, 8 years ago

The libboost1.58-dev, libicu-dev, libgdal-dev & libhdf5-dev packages also look like good candidates if you don't need to for Python modules which expect the .so symlinks.

Last edited 8 years ago by Bas Couwenberg (previous) (diff)

comment:34 by kalxas, 8 years ago

By removing fonts-noto-cjk, 32 bit iso is back to working. Will also try gmt-doc and libboost-dev as suggested.

Perhaps we should have a small poll in the mailing list about this

comment:35 by kalxas, 8 years ago

Priority: blockercritical

gmt-doc removed for now

comment:36 by kalxas, 8 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive10.5OSGeoLive11.0

Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

comment:37 by kalxas, 6 years ago

latest 12.0beta4 size is at 4270850048 bytes (~4GB) so things are ok for this release.

comment:38 by kalxas, 6 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive11.0OSGeoLive13.0

comment:39 by kalxas, 6 years ago

Priority: criticalblocker

After enabling all projects for 13.0, the build is failing:

Creating iso...
File ./casper/filesystem.squashfs is larger than 4GiB-1.
-allow-limited-size was not specified. There is no way do represent this file size. Aborting.
isohybrid: could not open file `../osgeolive-nightly-build188-amd64-1f29afc-master.iso': No such file or directory

Last edited 6 years ago by kalxas (previous) (diff)

comment:40 by kalxas, 6 years ago

Cc: osgeolive@… added; live-demo@… removed

comment:41 by kalxas, 6 years ago

user@osgeolive:~$ dpigs -H -n 50
 335.5M rasdaman
 305.0M linux-firmware
 180.1M firefox
 174.4M zygrib-maps
 160.8M linux-modules-extra-4.18.0-15-generic
 140.2M libgl1-mesa-dri
 113.2M libboost1.65-dev
 101.7M osgeolive-docs
  95.4M openjdk-8-jre-headless
  87.7M fonts-noto-cjk
  72.5M qgis-common
  66.4M linux-headers-4.18.0-15
  62.5M libllvm7
  62.1M linux-modules-4.18.0-15-generic
  58.3M libllvm6.0
  52.6M libotb-apps
  47.2M python-pysal
  46.7M python3-qgis
  46.1M libqt5webkit5
  44.2M libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37
  42.8M libgdal-dev
  40.5M libjs-mathjax
  39.6M python-scipy
  39.5M libicu-dev
  38.1M grass-doc
  37.5M openjdk-8-jdk-headless
  35.4M r-base-core
  32.5M python-istsos
  30.7M git
  30.3M libicu60
  29.8M lubuntu-icon-theme
  29.5M opencpn-doc
  29.0M virtualbox-guest-x11-hwe
  28.7M libotbapplicationengine-6.6-1
  27.8M vim-runtime
  27.7M python-wxgtk3.0
  27.2M python-geonode
  26.8M libflite1
  26.0M grass-core
  25.4M fonts-noto-hinted
  25.4M gcc-7
  24.0M opencpn
  23.8M g++-7
  23.2M python-django-geonode-mapstore-client
  22.2M cpp-7
  21.8M samba-libs
  21.4M postgresql-10-postgis-2.5-scripts
  20.9M libperl5.26
  20.9M libinsighttoolkit4.12
  20.3M humanity-icon-theme

comment:42 by darkblueb, 6 years ago

o13 beta3 pkg opencpn-doc is 31MB; in the following -dev packages are installed and not removed:

-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 8.5M Mar 22  2018 libicu-dev_60.2-3ubuntu3_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 7.2M Jul 16 10:37 libgdal-dev_2.4.2+dfsg-1~bionic0_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 6.9M Mar  6  2018 libboost1.65-dev_1.65.1+dfsg-0ubuntu5_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 2.5M Apr 13  2018 libfreetype6-dev_2.8.1-2ubuntu2_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 2.4M Aug 13  2017 libhdf5-dev_1.10.0-patch1+docs-4_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 2.1M Nov 28  2017 liblapack-dev_3.7.1-4ubuntu1_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 1.6M Nov 16  2017 libxerces-c-dev_3.2.0+debian-2_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 1.4M Jul  8 16:13 libglib2.0-dev_2.56.4-0ubuntu0.18.04.4_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 1.4M Jul 16 10:35 libspatialite-dev_4.3.0a-5build1+bionic1_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 1.2M Jul 24 11:33 libmysqlclient-dev_5.7.27-0ubuntu0.18.04.1_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 912K Nov  2  2017 libkml-dev_1.3.0-5_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 740K Aug 14  2018 libxml2-dev_2.9.4+dfsg1-6.1ubuntu1.2_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 694K Feb 20  2018 libdap-dev_3.19.1-2build1_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 618K Jun 19 15:58 libsqlite3-dev_3.22.0-1ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 525K Feb  3  2018 libpcre3-dev_2%3a8.39-9_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 427K Aug 25  2016 libfyba-dev_4.1.1-3_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 360K Jan 11  2018 libhdf4-alt-dev_4.2.13-2_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 349K Dec  9  2017 libqhull-dev_2015.2-4_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 333K Feb 21  2018 libarmadillo-dev_1%3a8.400.0+dfsg-2_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 296K Apr 13  2018 libharfbuzz-dev_1.7.2-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 287K May 22 12:43 libcurl4-gnutls-dev_7.58.0-2ubuntu3.7_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 268K Mar 12 12:53 libtiff5-dev_4.0.9-5ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 261K Mar  5  2018 libwebp-dev_0.6.1-2_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 251K Apr  1 01:39 libproj-dev_5.2.0-1~osgeolive1_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 225K Mar 12  2018 libzstd-dev_1.3.3+dfsg-2ubuntu1_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 221K Jul  9  2018 libjpeg-turbo8-dev_1.5.2-0ubuntu5.18.04.1_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 213K Jun 20 13:48 libpq-dev_10.9-0ubuntu0.18.04.1_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 212K Mar 26  2018 unixodbc-dev_2.3.4-1.1ubuntu3_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 205K Jul 16 10:36 grass-dev_7.6.1-1~bionic2_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 175K Mar 22  2018 icu-devtools_60.2-3ubuntu3_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 173K Apr 30 17:58 libpng-dev_1.6.34-1ubuntu0.18.04.2_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 166K Jun 27 13:33 libpoppler-private-dev_0.62.0-2ubuntu2.9_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 158K Nov  2  2016 libltdl-dev_2.4.6-2_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 142K Jul 13  2017 liblzma-dev_5.2.2-1.3_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 140K Nov 28  2017 libblas-dev_3.7.1-4ubuntu1_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 100K Apr  1 01:41 libgeotiff-dev_1.4.2-2build1+bionic0_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 100K Jul  8 16:13 libglib2.0-dev-bin_2.56.4-0ubuntu0.18.04.4_amd64.deb

Last edited 6 years ago by darkblueb (previous) (diff)

comment:43 by kalxas, 6 years ago

The dev packages are kept so that people can do C development with grass, gdal etc. Lets keep them unless there is no other way to save space.

opencpn-doc is the next to drop if needed.

comment:44 by kalxas, 6 years ago

Priority: blockercritical

comment:45 by kalxas, 6 years ago

both actinia and rasdaman now fit, since we dropped opencpn-doc

comment:46 by kalxas, 6 years ago

Priority: criticalmajor

We are now feature complete for 13.0 and everything fits on the iso

comment:47 by kalxas, 6 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive13.0OSGeoLive14.0

comment:48 by kalxas, 4 years ago

OSGeoLive 14.0 nightly build 94 has reached 4.0G with only ~70% of applications installed.

Here is the list of the largest packages in the build:

user@osgeolive:~$ dpigs -H -n 50
 511.2M linux-firmware
 260.3M libgl1-mesa-dri
 206.0M firefox
 180.8M linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-42-generic
 134.4M papirus-icon-theme
 131.8M libboost1.71-dev
 122.3M libreoffice-core
 116.3M snapd
 109.2M libqt5webenginecore5
 104.7M qgis-common
  96.0M openjdk-8-jre-headless
  91.1M gmt-common
  87.7M fonts-noto-cjk
  70.3M libllvm10
  69.7M linux-modules-5.4.0-42-generic
  67.5M linux-headers-5.4.0-42
  66.1M libllvm9
  58.6M python3-pysal
  53.8M libreoffice-common
  53.8M libgdal-dev
  53.7M python3-qgis
  51.4M libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37
  51.0M libotb-apps
  48.0M libqt5webkit5
  44.8M python3-scipy
  42.6M libicu-dev
  40.5M libjs-mathjax
  39.1M postgresql-12
  39.1M python3-wxgtk4.0
  38.1M grass-doc
  37.8M openjdk-8-jdk-headless
  37.5M libreoffice-writer
  37.4M r-base-core
  36.8M vlc-l10n
  36.2M oxygen-icon-theme
  36.1M mesa-vdpau-drivers
  35.0M fonts-noto-core
  34.8M git
  32.7M libclang1-10
  32.1M marble-qt-data
  32.0M libicu66
  31.5M python3-plotly
  31.3M libreoffice-calc
  30.0M vim-runtime
  29.1M gcc-9
  28.9M grass-core
  28.1M marble-data
  27.3M g++-9
  26.8M libflite1
  26.4M libperl5.30

comment:49 by juanluisrp, 4 years ago

  37.8M openjdk-8-jdk-headless

Java 8 is required at least for GeoNetwork.

comment:50 by kalxas, 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback.

We have already made the change to point default-java to java8 in our ppa, so Java 8 is not going to be removed.

comment:51 by kalxas, 4 years ago

Right after merging the GeoStyler pull request:

Creating iso...
File ./casper/filesystem.squashfs is larger than 4GiB-1.
-allow-limited-size was not specified. There is no way do represent this file size. Aborting.
isohybrid: could not open file `../osgeolive-nightly-build112-amd64-53c349b-master.iso': No such file or directory

comment:52 by Edso, 4 years ago

just an idea,

there is the new zstd compression which is working very well and might be supported by squashfs inbetween.

if not, there may be the option to switch to btrfs for the system partition (not boot though) which supports it natively since a while.


comment:53 by kalxas, 4 years ago

Priority: majorcritical
Status: assignednew

During the OSGeo Virtual Code Sprint meeting we decided to remove dev packages and Libre Office and only include them in the VM version.

comment:54 by kalxas, 4 years ago

iso back to 3.8GB after removing libreoffice and dev packages:

comment:55 by kalxas, 4 years ago

build 128: 4408213504

build 164: 4352638976

build 171: 4308598784

looks like we currently have 100MB left

comment:56 by kalxas, 4 years ago

Priority: criticalmajor

current build size: 4389339136

comment:57 by kalxas, 4 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive14.0OSGeoLive15.0

Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

comment:58 by kalxas, 3 years ago

Priority: majorcritical

15.0 build79: 4492242944

comment:59 by kalxas, 3 years ago

sudo apt install debian-goodies dctrl-tools
dpigs -H -n 50
 825.7M linux-firmware
 320.8M linux-modules-extra-5.15.0-25-generic
 223.8M firefox
 187.2M papirus-icon-theme
 135.0M libboost1.74-dev
 127.7M libqt5webenginecore5
 123.0M qgis-common
 106.4M linux-modules-5.15.0-25-generic
 104.4M libllvm14
  98.9M openjdk-8-jre-headless
  95.3M libllvm13
  88.9M fonts-noto-cjk
  85.4M libopenjfx-jni
  73.6M linux-headers-5.15.0-25
  73.0M python3-qgis
  59.9M libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37
  58.4M libopenblas-pthread-dev
  51.3M gcc-11
  45.8M libqt5webkit5
  44.9M libicu-dev
  43.4M libopenblas0-pthread
  43.3M python3-plotly
  42.8M libotb-apps
  42.2M postgresql-14
  41.6M fonts-noto-core
  41.1M grass-doc
  38.4M python3-wxgtk4.0
  37.9M openjdk-8-jdk-headless
  36.8M oxygen-icon-theme
  36.5M unicode-data
  36.1M pocketsphinx-en-us
  33.8M libqgis-core3.22.7
  33.6M libicu70
  33.1M marble-qt-data
  32.0M vim-runtime
  30.2M python3-sympy
  30.0M grass-core
  29.3M marble-data
  29.3M libclang1-14
  28.6M josm
  28.1M g++-11
  28.0M libperl5.34
  27.2M opencpn-data
  26.9M libflite1
  26.6M postgresql-14-postgis-3-scripts
  25.8M python-babel-localedata
  25.6M cpp-11
  24.7M proj-data
  24.5M libgs9
  24.2M samba-libs

comment:60 by kalxas, 3 years ago

dpigs -H -n 50
 825.7M linux-firmware
 320.8M linux-modules-extra-5.15.0-25-generic
 223.5M firefox
 187.2M papirus-icon-theme
 127.7M libqt5webenginecore5
 123.0M qgis-common
 109.3M osgeolive-docs
 106.4M linux-modules-5.15.0-25-generic
 104.4M libllvm14
  98.9M openjdk-8-jre-headless
  95.3M libllvm13
  88.9M fonts-noto-cjk
  85.4M libopenjfx-jni
  73.6M linux-headers-5.15.0-25
  73.0M python3-qgis
  59.9M libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37
  58.6M python3-pysal
  54.3M python3-scipy
  51.3M gcc-11
  45.8M libqt5webkit5
  44.9M libicu-dev
  43.3M python3-plotly
  42.8M libotb-apps
  42.2M postgresql-14
  41.6M grass-doc
  41.6M fonts-noto-core
  40.5M libjs-mathjax
  39.9M r-base-core
  38.4M python3-wxgtk4.0
  37.9M openjdk-8-jdk-headless
  36.8M oxygen-icon-theme
  36.5M unicode-data
  36.1M pocketsphinx-en-us
  33.8M libqgis-core3.22.7
  33.6M libicu70
  33.1M marble-qt-data
  32.0M vim-runtime
  30.2M grass-core
  30.2M python3-sympy
  29.3M marble-data
  29.3M libclang1-14
  28.6M josm
  28.1M gfortran-11
  28.1M g++-11
  28.0M libperl5.34
  27.2M opencpn-data
  26.9M libflite1
  26.6M postgresql-14-postgis-3-scripts
  25.8M python-babel-localedata
  25.6M cpp-11
Last edited 3 years ago by kalxas (previous) (diff)

comment:61 by edso, 3 years ago

 73.6M linux-headers-5.15.0-25

is definitely not needed for runtime.

Last edited 3 years ago by edso (previous) (diff)

comment:62 by edso, 3 years ago

also compilers won't be needed.

  51.3M gcc-11
  28.1M gfortran-11
  28.1M g++-11
  25.6M cpp-11

comment:63 by kalxas, 3 years ago

good point, we can try to remove those packages at

comment:64 by kalxas, 3 years ago

Priority: criticalmajor

comment:66 by kalxas, 2 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive15.0OSGeoLive16.0

Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

comment:67 by kalxas, 9 months ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive16.0OSGeoLive17.0

Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

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