Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#2073 closed task (fixed)

Email about languages for translating

Reported by: cvvergara Owned by: osgeolive@…
Priority: normal Milestone: OSGeoLive12.0
Component: Documentation Keywords:


This is the original suggestion by Bakaniko

Hi dear translators and OSGeoLive users,

I'm proud to announce that we linked the Transifex platform to the Github repository so when when the .po files will be updated on Github, Transifex will fetch them a few hours later.

We are now working integrating the automated doc building in the OSGeoLive ISO building process and reducing the doc size in order to save space.
So that is good news !

We would like to thank you for the work done here and to encourage you continue this work here. We had several demands for local or regional languages and that's great. But we would like to concentrate on global languages rather than regional ones. For example, for Spanish, doing Spanish (es) first and when it is done, translate Spanish (Mexico) (es_MX) or Spanish (Spain) (es_ES). We value local languages but our aim is to provide complete traductions of overviews and quickstarts, not partial ones that will only bring confusion to the user.

Best regards, 

Change History (6)

comment:1 by cvvergara, 7 years ago

My suggestions

I dont think they know what a po file is so:

Instead of "po files" use "documentation files"

Instead of "docs" use the whole word "documentation"

comment:2 by camerons, 7 years ago

Suggest email to: Live-demo@…, then forward to all the osgeolive translators (using BCC).

Title: Should we create regional translations?

OSGeo-Live translators,

Some people have suggested creating local or regional language variants, such as Mexican Spanish (es_MX). We discussed this at our OSGeo-Live weekly meeting, and the general feeling was that while this is something we could tackle later, it is something we probably should postpone until after we have the main languages completed and have a sustainable community of translators.

If you feel strongly about this feel free to discuss with us on our email list: Live-demo@….


comment:3 by cvvergara, 7 years ago

Cameron: So this not to include why?

I'm proud to announce that we linked the Transifex platform to the Github repository so when when the documentation files will be updated on Github, Transifex will fetch them a few hours later.

We are now working integrating the automated doc building in the OSGeoLive ISO building process and reducing the doc size in order to save space. So that is good news !

We would like to thank you for the work done here and to encourage you continue this work here. We had several demands for local or regional languages and that's great.

comment:4 by cvvergara, 7 years ago

This combines both, Bakanikos & camerons

Hi dear translators and OSGeoLive users,

I'm proud to announce that we linked the Transifex platform to the Github repository so when when the documentation files will be updated on Github, Transifex will fetch them a few hours later.

We are now working integrating the automated documentation building in the OSGeoLive ISO building process and reducing the doc size in order to save space. So that is good news !

We would like to thank you for the work done here and to encourage you continue this work here.

Some people have suggested creating local or regional language variants, such as Mexican Spanish (es_MX), and that's great. This was discussed this at our OSGeo-Live PSC weekly meeting, and the general feeling was that while this is something we could tackle later; it is something we probably should postpone until after we have the main languages completed.

If you haven't registered to transifex go to:

You will find OSGeoLive project here:

You need to ask to be a translator on the transifex webpage, or send us an email with your login name so we can send you an invitation

Best regards,

Last edited 7 years ago by cvvergara (previous) (diff)

comment:5 by bakaniko, 7 years ago

Milestone: OSGeoLive12.0
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Published on Transifex announcement board

Message sent to OSGeoLive Mailing list and OSGeo Discuss Mailing List

comment:6 by astrid_emde, 7 years ago

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