Custom Query (1116 matches)


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Results (133 - 135 of 1116)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1341 wontfix LAZ support for liblas library live-demo@… kempenep

It seems laszip is not installed. This has consequences for derived packages. For instance, the liblas API uses laszip for LAZ support (the lossless compression format of LAS). Packages that rely on the liblas library can therefore not support LAZ files either. Possibly, other packages are impacted as well (GRASS, lastools, ....?)

suggestion: 1) include laszip 2) enable LAZ support in cmake liblas (and potentially other packages)

#1119 invalid Broken Link: OSGeo-Live applications Presentation live-demo@… kaurs

OSGeo-Live applications Presentation PDF from: found on: is not loading.

Please replace it with the PDF attached, as the one currently in the repository does not work.

#674 fixed Zoo-Project WPS not working according to Quickstart kalxas kalxas

I tried to run the Quickstart and noticed that the service is not working. GetCapabilities fails and the demo application does not create buffers etc.

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