Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (127 - 129 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1779 invalid Checksum mismatch on sourceforge (VM image) live-demo@… neteler

Surprisingly this doesn't match today:

md5sum osgeo-live-10.0-vm.7z.md5
ef47f6036e83c11054b5d5bb8dfd95d1  osgeo-live-10.0-vm.7z.md5

md5sum osgeo-live-10.0-vm.7z
cd356ebd353c2935ba0a298a784040c8  osgeo-live-10.0-vm.7z

I downloaded from here:

#988 fixed chroot build method: autologin failure due to rasdaman kalxas kalxas

This issue happens when build_chroot script is used with live session username set to "user". The created iso refuses to autologin. This has been tracked with debug script so far and limited down to 3 packages (liblas, rasdaman and mb-system). When initrd modifications are not used this issue is not present.

Proposed solutions:

  1. Create the iso first without initrd customization and then use the created image file to run a second customization.
  2. Keep building with debug chroot scripts until we track down the package causing this.

Any other ideas I am missing?

#979 fixed chroot build method: change image background to OSGeoLive artwork live-demo@… kalxas

We need to change this to make users feel they are not just installing Xubuntu

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