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Results (97 - 99 of 1091)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#449 duplicate All files should be owned by root, and writable by all live-demo@… camerons

Stefan Hansen wrote:

Hi all!

I played in the last couple of days a bit with generating an ISO-image from the VM and ran into a few problems.

One of them is that some install-scripts change the owner of some files outside $HOME to "user". Unfortunately this doesn't go well when you boot from the LiveDVD. The original "user" is deleted, when the ISO is generated, and a new user is created during the boot process (apparently that is the way things have to be). Files that belonged to the old "user" belong on the LiveDVD to the uid=1000, but the new user has the uid=999. Therefore, the new user cannot write these files and some applications won't work (so far I had problems with Geoserver and Degree, but I haven't tested all applications). So Instead of changing the owner of a file or directory, please keep root as owner and just change the access permissions. If you do so, please only change the write-permissions of a file only if you really, really have to. AFAIK everything writable is loaded into the memory, when you boot from the DVD.

cheers, stefan

-- Stefan Hansen Software Engineer LISAsoft

#452 fixed tilelite prompts user when run a 2nd time springmeyer camerons

If the /tmp/ directory has already been populated (as happens when you run a script for the second time), the tilelite script will ask for the user to confirm to replace files or not.

This shouldn't happen as we wish to make the install process as automated as possible.

#476 fixed localhost not viewable in offline mode live-demo@… camerons

When the network is disconnected, the http://localhost url is not found in firefox. In particular http://localhost:5000 doesn't find the mapfish application.

To reproduce the problem:

  • Turn networking off in a VM (usually bottom right icon on display), or disconnect ethernet cable if running from an iso image, and turn off wireless on the computer.
  • type http://localhost:5000 into a firefox browser. The mapfish application should come up when this problem is fixed.

=== Manual fix:

  • Type about:config as the URL into firefox. Select "I'll be careful"
  • You should see a list of config options
  • Select "browser.offline-apps.notify" to set it to false.
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