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Results (97 - 99 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#624 fixed livedvd/content.html lists wrong versinos of Geopublsiher and AtlasStyler alfonx alfonx

Talking about:

  1. Versionnumber has to be updated to 1.5
  2. Shoud be seperated into two paragraphs: one for geopublisher, one for atlasstyler
  3. doc/geopublishing_description.html can then be deleted, as there exist doc/overview/geopublisher_overview.rst and doc/overview/atlasstyler_overview.rst

Please point be to the files I have to look at, and I will fix it myself,


#626 wontfix unclutter desktop hamish hamish

todo for 4.5: make a "Demos" folder on the desktop and move all geo apps folders into there.


#627 fixed ossim PATH setting breaks GMT and MB-System live-demo@… hamish

due to a subtle quoting bug, the OSSIM installer is hardcoding the PATH, which removes GMT from the PATH, which makes GMT and MB-System non-functional in 4.0rc9.

this is a prime example why maintaining feature-freeze discipline during the RC cycle is so important, tests on earlier RCs (pre RC8) didn't have this error.

in ~user/.bashrc it should be:

  export PATH

(make that edit by hand to avoid rebuilding from

hopefully fixed for future builds in trunk with r4700, and the release branch in r4701.

:-/ Hamish

ps- many frustrating trac errors today:

  OperationalError: FATAL:  sorry, too many clients already
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