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Results (94 - 96 of 1091)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#436 fixed apt-get install -y camerons camerons

change all apt-get install commands to "apt-get install --yes" This means that the user will not be asked to confirm installing, which will make automating easier.

#442 fixed Resolve java and servlet container versions live-demo@… camerons

Ideally we should only have one Java version on the LiveDVD. This is because:

  • The VM is RAM constrained (to 512Meg) and Java is RAM intensive.
  • Users are expected to open up one application after another, often not closing the prior applications. This will use up RAM, and once RAM is exceeded the machine will slow to the point of being unusable.
  • Also a somewhat important is to conserve space on the LiveDVD.

So we need to update the install_scripts to take this into account. As per this email thread , it seems that:

deegree is happy with either sun-java5 (preferred) or sun-java-6, GeoServer runs under sun-java-5 or sun-java-6 (preferred), gvsig runs under sun-java-5 only.

We should:

  • move: to
  • Update to install sun java 5
  • Update so that it doesn't install tomcat any more.
  • Ensure OpenJDK is not installed as nobody seems to be using it
#448 fixed All files should be owned by root, and writable by all live-demo@… camerons

Stefan Hansen wrote:

Hi all!

I played in the last couple of days a bit with generating an ISO-image from the VM and ran into a few problems.

One of them is that some install-scripts change the owner of some files outside $HOME to "user". Unfortunately this doesn't go well when you boot from the LiveDVD. The original "user" is deleted, when the ISO is generated, and a new user is created during the boot process (apparently that is the way things have to be). Files that belonged to the old "user" belong on the LiveDVD to the uid=1000, but the new user has the uid=999. Therefore, the new user cannot write these files and some applications won't work (so far I had problems with Geoserver and Degree, but I haven't tested all applications). So Instead of changing the owner of a file or directory, please keep root as owner and just change the access permissions. If you do so, please only change the write-permissions of a file only if you really, really have to. AFAIK everything writable is loaded into the memory, when you boot from the DVD.

cheers, stefan

-- Stefan Hansen Software Engineer LISAsoft

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