Custom Query (1116 matches)


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Results (94 - 96 of 1116)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1220 wontfix osgEarth: some keys not working live-demo@… camerons

Following the quickstart, I'm able to open the file, and pan around, however:

  1. Scrolling the mouse wheel back and forth doesn't zoom in/out as it should (according to quickstart)
  1. Pressing "h" doesn't open up a helpfile as quickstart suggests it should.
#1222 wontfix Zoo Project zoom not working live-demo@… micha

Something seems weird with the zoo-project demo. The zoom in and out buttons are not working. They pan the map, just like the pan button. No zooming is available.

On the zoo website, their demos seem to work correctly, but the demo on the LiveDVD doen't.

#1231 wontfix Mapfish search query fails live-demo@… darkblueb

Using Mapfish on the Live 7.0 RC2..

Geospatial -> Browser Clients -> Mapfish -> Mapfish Start

on the page that shows, at the bottom, click on the link to admin, then click on the link to POI. Click the Search button. Choose type -> cafe and rating -> 1

Postgres logs shows this:

2013-08-25 13:30:09 PDT ERROR:  42703: column poi_osm.the_geom does not exist at character 20
2013-08-25 13:30:09 PDT LOCATION:  transformColumnRef, parse_expr.c:761
2013-08-25 13:30:09 PDT STATEMENT:  SELECT ST_AsBinary(poi_osm.the_geom) AS poi_osm_the_geom, poi_osm.gid AS poi_osm_gid, AS poi_osm_id, poi_osm.rating AS poi_osm_rating, AS poi_osm_name, poi_osm.code_dept AS poi_osm_code_dept, poi_osm.type_desc AS poi_osm_type_desc, poi_osm.type AS poi_osm_type, poi_osm.theme AS poi_osm_theme, poi_osm.geom AS poi_osm_geom 
        FROM poi_osm 
        WHERE ILIKE '%%' AND poi_osm.type = 'Cafe' AND poi_osm.rating = '1'
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