Custom query (1091 matches)


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Results (88 - 90 of 1091)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1995 fixed Resize of VM window fails live-demo@… bufferclip

I started the "vmdk" (OSGeo-live 11.0) file like explained in the documentation.

It basically works, but the display resolution is only 800x600 and I cannot change it. I also ticked "Auto-resize Guest display", but it does not help. Strangely, I run OSGeo-live 10.0 with the exact same settings on the same machine. There the automatical resize works.

My guest operating system is Ubuntu 16.04.

Do you have any idea why my OSGeo-live 11.0 does not want to resize?

#415 fixed Live DVD should use US keyboard live-demo@… camerons

The FOSS4G2009alpha1 version of the Live DVD should use a US keyboard, it is currently set to something else.

Fix by selecting: Applications -> Settings -> Keyboard -> Layout

Tick Keyboard layout = us

#424 fixed Add windows and mac installers to the LiveDVD warmerdam camerons

Previous Arramagong Live DVD releases have had windows installers on them, which allow users to copy GIS applications onto their windows computer.

What we need is a script to copy these installers from (what location).

It is proposed that the following packages be included:
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.