Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1122 wontfix Around 19.5 GB limitation live-demo@… liam

I tried to install osgeo on 1GB RAM 10GB HARD VPS. VPS administrator site was so kind and added osgeo iso to install alternatives list. I talk about Before this I read that one 8GB usb is enough to install it. The install application invalidate Continue button when detect only 10 GB available (lower then 19.5GB threshold)

Please at next osgeo version change minimum harddisk limitation to 7.8 GB.

#1153 wontfix tomcat not starting on installed systems under custom user live-demo@… kalxas

When OSGeoLive is installed with user name != "user", tomcat cannot be started.

Linked to #1141

#1156 wontfix Sextante - new docs on disk live-demo@… darkblueb

new docs were announced

It would be great to have them on the Live somewhere.. e.g.

1.2M Jul 10 14:00 Downloads/IntroductionToSEXTANTEv2.0.pdf

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