Custom Query (1137 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#782 fixed Internationalization quickstart not indicating right menu for changing keyboard fgdrf rouault
Description mentions Application ‣ System ‣ Settings Manager whereas it should be Application ‣ Settings ‣ Settings Manager

#783 fixed no obvious way to figure out where the data is on the DVD hamish rouault

docs/en/overview/overview.html has a data section that links to the page of the 3 datasets, but it doesn't clearly indicate that those data are located in /home/user/data/

It could perhaps make also sense to have a shortcut in the Geospatial menu that launchs a file explorer directly on that folder ?

#784 wontfix Error message when exiting pgadmin3 live-demo@… rouault

When exiting pgadmin3, I get the following 2 popups :

"can't remove file '/home/user/.pgadmin3' (error 1: Opération non permise)"

and then

"Failed to update user configuration file."

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