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Results (58 - 60 of 1137)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#874 fixed Translators-Table shows up comments from csv-File fgdrf fgdrf

the Translators table ( shows a comment

# please add the names of all translators

from csv file followed by two empty lines.
Properly it would be an enhancement to read the csv directly from rst (see for more Details).

We should update the Wiki-Section at to describe the columns and the procedure how to add a new committer to the list(s) - translators and contributors.

#881 fixed Switch between languages should consider current page fgdrf fgdrf

To improve Browsing behavior between languages the header links (English, Deutsch, etc) should consider the current page and redirect to the same page for the chosen language. Means, if the user is here:

and 'Deutsch' is selected by the user the resulting URL should be:

I guess with a bit javascript experiences this should be feasible.

#902 fixed [doc] HTTP 404 If the user hits the same languages twice fgdrf fgdrf

like the summary describes, it happens if the user selects the current language again.

e.g. if in English area and select English -> http 404 Error page not found.

The problem is in the osgerlive.js, the current context is partly removed.

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