Custom Query (28 matches)


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Status: closed (23 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#742 uDig Web View Error - quickstart guide is broken live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive fixed
#778 regression test live-demo@… enhancement minor OSGeoLive duplicate
#808 USB, Persistant file system corruption live-demo@… task normal OSGeoLive fixed
#852 Open GeoSpatial Consortium should be Open Geospatial Consortium live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive fixed
#915 JAVA_HOME variable not set for openjdk7 kalxas defect blocker OSGeoLive fixed
#951 Clean up OSGeoLive build instructions kalxas task major OSGeoLive fixed
#969 Ushahidi port to PostgreSQL live-demo@… enhancement normal OSGeoLive wontfix
#1169 Add Maki map symbols set live-demo@… enhancement minor OSGeoLive wontfix
#1333 Consider adding Apache SIS live-demo@… enhancement normal OSGeoLive wontfix
#1340 Add CouchDB and Spatial live-demo@… enhancement normal OSGeoLive wontfix
#1451 LIDAR additions live-demo@… enhancement critical OSGeoLive fixed
#1529 Cesium self-tests crash Firefox live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1636 QGIS Server fails to work after QGIS upgrade to 2.14 LTR live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive fixed
#1972 Remove "planet" prefix from OSM data in PostGIS live-demo@… task minor OSGeoLive wontfix
#1986 There is no more liveDVD distribution through torrent live-demo@… defect minor OSGeoLive wontfix
#1997 osgeolive-docs deb update live-demo@… defect normal Documentation fixed
#2050 Incubation Provenance Review: Jupyter data folder includes Javascript and Python code without a license live-demo@… defect critical OSGeoLive fixed
#2122 Enable World Wind Web osgeolive@… enhancement major OSGeoLive wontfix
#2127 Jupyter Notebooks - IOOS osgeolive@… enhancement normal OSGeoLive worksforme
#2158 Release ppa disk space allocation osgeolive@… task normal OSGeoLive fixed
#2178 web link broken to ossim osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive wontfix
#2300 Update OSGeoLive PSC list osgeolive@… task critical OSGeoLive fixed
#2318 Update previously available projects page with projects that got retired after 10.5 osgeolive@… task major OSGeoLive fixed

Status: new (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#2045 Contacts live-demo@… task normal OSGeoLive
#2104 Test presence of datasets needed by project's quickstarts osgeolive@… enhancement minor Documentation
#2153 add r-spatial stars package osgeolive@… enhancement normal OSGeoLive
#2179 add files for code of conduct and contributing on github astrid_emde task major OSGeoLive

Status: reopened (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#1308 sample metadata is missing live-demo@… enhancement major OSGeoLive
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.