Custom query (1090 matches)


Show under each result:

Results (163 - 165 of 1090)


generally not good to execute code from /etc (from Apache2 mod-info diagnostics)

    In file: /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/pywps.conf
       1: WSGIScriptAlias /pywps/ /etc/pywps/


As of July 11, 2016 direct tile access from MapQuest has been discontinued.

Some projects use those tiles as a base layer for their demonstrations. A quick fix would be to replace those tiles with OSM tiles.

We have always noted to projects that OSGeo-Live should be able to be used offline, so depending on external resources is not recommended.

Right now we have many alternatives for tile generation in the disk, we should try to produce a base layer and replace the external dependencies.



rasdaman installer fails with the following error:

Starting "" ...
--2017-01-22 17:53:51--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 9382 (9.2K) [text/x-sh]
Saving to: ''

     0K .........                                             100% 45.5M=0s

2017-01-22 17:53:51 (45.5 MB/s) - '' saved [9382/9382]

[0mChecking if installer needs to update...[0m
[0mInstaller is at latest version.[0m

[0mStrategy building is handled by the General Strategy Builder.[0m
[1mReview the installation settings:[0m
Installation path: /opt/rasdaman/
Version: master
Update: False
User: user
Debug: False
Communication protocol: rasnet
Database type: sqlite
  Database data directory: /opt/rasdaman/data/
Rasdaman binary:
Petascope enabled: True
  Petascope database url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/petascopedb
  Petascope database user: user
  Petascope server type: tomcat
  Tomcat home: /var/lib/tomcat8
Secore enabled: True
Run systemtest: False
Rasdaman demo data: False
Petascope demo data: False
[1mValidating system...[0m
[0mCleaning up any old rasdaman files...[0m
[0mOld rasdaman files cleaned up successfully.[0m
[1mSystem was validated.[0m
[1mInstalling third party dependencies on Ubuntu 16.04...[0m
[0mInstalling packages ['make', 'libtool', 'gawk', 'autoconf', 'bison', 'flex', 'git', 'g++', 'unzip', 'libboost-all-dev', 'libtiff-dev', 'libgdal-dev', 'zlib1g-dev', 'libffi-dev', 'libedit-dev', 'libecpg-dev', 'libsqlite3-dev', 'libgrib-api-dev', 'libgrib2c-dev', 'curl', 'libnetcdf-cxx-legacy-dev', 'openjdk-8-jdk', 'maven', 'ant', 'postgresql', 'postgresql-contrib', 'sqlite3', 'zlib1g', 'gdal-bin', 'python-dev', 'debianutils', 'python-dateutil', 'python-lxml', 'python-grib', 'python-pip', 'python-gdal', 'netcdf-bin', 'libecpg6', 'libboost-all-dev', 'libedit-dev', 'libnetcdf-c++4', 'python-netcdf4', 'tomcat8']... [0m
[0mPackages installed successfully.[0m
[0mChecking user user....[0m
[0mUser user checked successfully.[0m
[0mInstalling pip packages ['glob2']... [0m
[0mPip packages installed successfully.[0m
[0mCreating directory structure...[0m
[31mAn error has occured while executing this command: mkdir -p /opt/rasdaman//third_party/.Check the log at /tmp/rasdaman.install.log for more details.
Preview of the error:
 Return code: 1
 Stderr: mkdir: cannot create directory '/opt/rasdaman//third_party/': Permission denied

ERROR: The installer returned an error code. The installation might not be valid.
rasdaman: unrecognized service
 * Stopping Tomcat servlet engine tomcat8
Rasdaman command log:
cat: /tmp/rasdaman_command_log: No such file or directory

Another problem seems to be that the rasdaman log is not created anymore.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.