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The current remastersys option has a very plain text based load screen on boot, with no language or keyboard selection. This would be a nice feature to add when we figure out the best way to do it.



create a script in the release branch to do any cleanups/bug fixes needed since the ISO went to print.

these should be expected to work off the latest release of the ISO, but also cleanly skip any fixes which have already been applied.

this way users/lab runners can quickly get systems up to date.

cd /usr/local/share/gisvm
# maybe switch burnt repo to correct release branch here
svn up

For the 2.0 release I was thinking about if someone figures out how to do cosmetic stuff like pre-arrange the desktop icons or place the cpu load widget in the taskbar.

or the possibility to clean up some bug is found..


deegree for some reason didn't like launching without sudo privaleges. However when run this way firefox is launched as a different user than the regular user and will fail if already open.

Quick hack last line of was to add

sudo -u user firefox ...

This is not a permanent solution as that script appears to come from deegree packages.

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