Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#483 closed enhancement (fixed)

maptile exe download crawls

Reported by: wildintellect Owned by: live-demo@…
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: OSGeoLive Keywords: 3.0, wget


For some reason when re-running the build iso a couple of windows packages get re-downloaded even though wget is specifically instructed -c.

This wouldn't be a huge issue, but has been crawling, 20 minutes for a 10M download on a very fast connection. Not sure what gives.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by hamish, 15 years ago

I too have noticed that -c doesn't always work. It's server dependent, but apache has provided it for ages AFAIK and the monoculture uses apache, so I don't know if that's it. I think I saw it while re-testing the script for William's Mac installers, some new they were done, some tried from the start. Weird. I would expect a 416(?) error from the server saying EOF, and in general would cast my unsubstantiated bug eye at wget not apache, but who knows.


if [ ! -e "filename" ] ; then
  wget ....
  echo "<filename> already downloaded"

could replace wget -c in places, but obviously the -c ability is lost.


comment:2 by wildintellect, 15 years ago

It appears to be a specific issue with googlecode, also happened on gpsvp. We should notify projects who host on google to harass them about the terribly download speeds and the odd wget incompatibility. 20min -3 hours for 10M is really unacceptable by just about anyone's standards.

comment:3 by hamish, 15 years ago

maybe google exceeded their monthly bandwidth quota? [ducks]

comment:4 by hamish, 15 years ago

Keywords: 3.0 wget added
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

maptiler download ran at 449 KB/s for 4.0rc1, closing ticket.

also note there is wget -N which will only redownload (sync/mirror) if version on the server is newer. This does not work with wget -O though.


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