Change History for pkg-shell

Version Date Author Comment
17 12 years maphew v1.0.0-13
16 12 years maphew updated for release 0.0-11
15 12 years maphew updated for release 0.0-11
14 12 years maphew
13 13 years maphew little bit of docs about included batch files
12 13 years maphew closed ticket query was malformed
11 13 years maphew release 1.0.0-9
10 13 years maphew changelog for .0-8
9 13 years maphew changelog for .0-7
8 15 years maphew add pkg-shell ticket query
7 15 years maphew
6 15 years maphew updated changelog
5 15 years maphew changelog for v.0-5
4 15 years maphew .0-3 to .0-4 changelog
3 15 years maphew
2 15 years maphew added changelog
1 15 years maphew