
Version 11 (modified by jef, 14 years ago) ( diff )

add notes about the testing repository and already available packages.

Packages requiring python

It's time to upgrade the python distributed with o4w to the current stable upstream release in the 2.x series, namely 2.7 (ticket #219). To that end here is a list of packages which rely on python, and their current status with regard to being py2.7 ready.

Please update the chart as needed.

Package 2.7 ready upgrade lead testing
apt yes MattWilkie
gdal16-autotest obsolete
gdal16-python obsolete
gdal17-python obsolete
gdal-autotest ? you?
gdal-dev ? you?
gdal-python ? you?
grass yes, but there is no official NumPy? for Python 2.7 Martin Landa
grass-devel ? Martin Landa
grass-devel-mingw ? Martin Landa
grass-devel-vc ? Martin Landa
liblas-python ? you?
mapfish_framework ? you?
mapnik ? you?
mapscript-dev-python ? you?
mapscript-python ? you?
matplotlib yes, but there is no official NumPy for Python 2.7 AlexBruy
natgrid ? you?
psycopg2 ? you?
pyopengl ? you?
pyparsing ? you?
pyqt4 ? jef pyqt4-4.8.3-2
pyqwt5-qt4 ? jef pyqwt5-qt4-5.2.0-2
pyspatialite ? jef
python MattWilkie python-2.7.1-2
python-geopy ? you?
python-numpy ? you?
python-qgis obsolete
python-rpy ? you?
python-rpy2 ? you?
python-shapely ? you?
python-simplejson ? you?
python-win32 ? you?
python-win32-demos ? you?
qgis ? jef
qgis-dev ? jef
qgis1.1 obsolete
qgis-devel obsolete
qgis-full meta package
qgis-grass-plugin ?
qgis-unstable obsolete
sip ? jef sip-4.12.1-2
wxpython ? Martin Landa

Package notes

natgrid: might be ready with simple repackaging (change name of folder). Drop 'natgrid' folder from package archive into c:\python27\...\site-packages and it passes simple import natgrid test. Dunno enough about it's functions to test further.

Testing repository

  • There is a seperate repository on to add testing packages.
  • It contains the hardlinked packages from the original repository plus the already updated package + a separate setup.ini.
  • That setup.ini is updatable through
  • There also is a separate installer for that repository
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