Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of FAQ

01/23/09 14:47:37 (16 years ago)



  • FAQ

    v1 v2  
    99There is no harm in using the express install on a first pass through to get up and running, and then going through advanced install later to add additional packages. 
     11== How do I install a package not available through Express? ==
     13To install packages not available through the Express install, use the Advanced install path.
     15At the Select Packages dialog it is possible to browse through all packages, and select particular packages to install, uninstall, or reinstall.  Packages are grouped into logical sections (Commandline, Desktop, Web Applications, etc).  To look  at the packages available in a particular section select the category in the treelist view.
     17For each package, the "New" column indicates what will be done with the package.
     18 * "Skip" indicates that the package is not installed, and will not be installed.
     19 * "Keep" indicates that the package is installed, and will not be altered.
     20 * "Uninstall" indicates that the package is already installed, and will be uninstalled.
     21 * "Reinstall" indicates that the current version of the package will be reinstalled.
     22 * A version (like 1.0.0-1) indicates that this version of the package will be installed, possibly replacing an existing version.
     24To request a package be installed click on "Skip" and it will change to the most current version of the package available.  Clicking additional times on this column will cycle through other options.
     26If it is difficult to find a particular package, it may be helpful to hit the "View" button in the top right corner of the dialog, and change to the "Full" view giving one long alphabetical list of packages.
    1129== Is there a way to get bug fixes after I have installed? ==
    1331Yes.  The default mode for the OSGeo4W installer is to check the server for newer versions of package, and if available they will be downloaded and installed.  The OSGeo4W package maintainers generally try to issue new versions of packages for project point (bug fix) releases, and sometimes even more frequently.  As well, new versions of packages may be issued to correct packaging problems.
    15 Currently the upgrade mechanism only appears to work fully (for all installed packages) if the installer is used in advanced mode.  It should be sufficient to select Advanced and then hit next for all the following dialogs without changing any settings.  It is intended that the same approach will work with express mode in the future.
    1733== Is there a way to avoid updating/upgrading all packages? ==
    1935When going through the Advanced install path, it is possible select "Keep" on the radio buttons near the top of the Select Packages dialog in order to default to keeping the existing versions of packages instead of updating to the latest.  The default setting (Curr) updates to the most current version.
     37== Is there a way of uninstalling packages or all of OSGeo4W? ==
     39Individual package can be uninstalled via the Advanced install path.  In the package listing click on the "New" column until the value changes to "Uninstall".  Currently packages do not clean up desktop or start menu icons when uninstalling, this may be done manually.
     41Currently there is no installer option to uninstall OSGeo4W completely. However, when all OSGeo4W applications, shells and services (like apache) are shutdown it is possible to just delete the whole OSGeo4W file tree (usually C:\OSGeo4W).