Opened 19 months ago

Last modified 17 months ago

#799 new enhancement

Add git to OSGeo4W

Reported by: sbl Owned by: osgeo4w-dev@…
Priority: normal Component: Package
Version: Keywords: GRASS GIS, git
Cc: sbl


Is it possible to add git to OSGeo4W?

git was recently added as a dependency to GRASS GIS because SVN gets sunset and the currently used GitHub API has limitations. Currently, addons cannot be installed in OSGeo4W due to missing git, see:

I am aware that it is not necessarily straight forward to add git or that it at least has some limitations:

Change History (3)

comment:1 by jef, 19 months ago

"you" already have a bunch of msys dependencies in the package. But would git be enough? Are the extension pure python?

comment:2 by sbl, 19 months ago

Thanks for the ultra-fast reply.

git is used for various interactions with the AddOn-repository. Currently, it is not used for compilation of AddOns, but could be used for Python AddOns in that respect in future. So, yes, git would be enough...

There may be three possible solutions though: 1) add git to OSGeo4W (as suggested here) 2) add git to the GRASS package(s) (like the other msys dependencies you mentioned) 3) remove the git dependency on MS Windows again and rather use web requests (either to GitHub API as previous or to the server with pre-compiled addons)

I understand if you are reluctant to adding git to OSGeo4W. In that case, I think we could solve the issue with options 2 or 3...

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