Opened 2 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

#780 closed defect (fixed)

QGIS 3.30.0-1: sagaprovider plugin deprecation causes "Invalid plugin" in plugin manager

Reported by: houska1 Owned by: osgeo4w-dev@…
Priority: normal Component: Package
Version: Keywords: qgis sagaprovider pluginmanager
Cc: houska1


Upgrade of QGIS to 3.30 in OSGeo4W leaves the following inscrutable error message for invalid core plugin sagaprovider when the plugin manager is invoked: Screenshot

The (old) SAGA provider has been removed from QGIS sometime in Nov 2022. I believe the issue is that while it is no longer installed in a clean install, it remains present if an upgrade is made over top of a pre-removal version. Functionality does not seem to be impaired, but the error message is incomprehensible to users due to the red herring about metadata being missing and the warning that as it is a core plugin it cannot be uninstalled.

I originally made this issue report as a QGIS ticket but was redirected here.

Change History (1)

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