Opened 7 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#575 closed defect (outdated)

PyScripter 3.4.1 failed with qgis python36 install, upgrade to 3.6.6, include tk/idle

Reported by: Andreas Müller Owned by: osgeo4w-dev@…
Priority: minor Component: Package
Version: Keywords: qgis3 python3 pyscripter ide


New PyScripter 3.4.1 crashes when started with batch file (attached) for qgis3/python3. PyScripter seems to need python3.dll and python36.dll in apps/Python36, if i copy them from bin, it starts and works well. So i think the install of python3 is a little weird, because if you install python36 from these dll's are in that place.

I want to suggest to update python to the latest version (3.7 or 3.6.6) and by doing this, please include tk/idle for the beginners and provide at least one (standard) ide along with qgis!

Attachments (1)

python-qgis.bat (565 bytes ) - added by Andreas Müller 7 years ago.
batch file to start pyscripter

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (2)

by Andreas Müller, 7 years ago

Attachment: python-qgis.bat added

batch file to start pyscripter

comment:1 by jef, 4 years ago

Resolution: outdated
Status: newclosed
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