Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#513 closed defect (fixed)

JP2MrSID support missing from latest version of gdal-mrsid?

Reported by: ogcr Owned by: osgeo4w-dev@…
Priority: blocker Component: Package
Version: Keywords: gdal-mrsid jp2mrsid


Using the OSGeo4W 32bit installer, I've installed the latest "cur" version of gdal, gdal-mrsid, and dependencies that the installer will allow me to (excepting gdal-dev). gdalinfo --formats reveals that mrsid support is loaded and working, however jp2mrsid support is missing. Partial output below:

C:\OSGeo4W3\bin>gdalinfo.exe --version
GDAL 2.1.0, released 2016/04/25

C:\OSGeo4W3\bin>gdalinfo.exe --formats
Supported Formats:
  MG4Lidar -raster- (ro): MrSID Generation 4 / Lidar (.sid)
  MrSID -raster- (rov): Multi-resolution Seamless Image Database (MrSID)
  VRT -raster- (rw+v): Virtual Raster
  GTiff -raster- (rw+vs): GeoTIFF
  NITF -raster- (rw+vs): National Imagery Transmission Format

If I install a previous version (1.9.2) of gdal, gdal-mrsid, and dependencies, mrsid and jp2mrsid formats appear as desired in gdalinfo:

C:\OSGeo4W2\bin>gdalinfo.exe --version
GDAL 1.9.2, released 2012/10/08

C:\OSGeo4W2\bin>gdalinfo.exe --formats
Supported Formats:
  MG4Lidar (ro): MrSID Generation 4 / Lidar (.sid)
  MrSID (rov): Multi-resolution Seamless Image Database (MrSID)
  JP2MrSID (rov): MrSID JPEG2000
  VRT (rw+v): Virtual Raster
  GTiff (rw+v): GeoTIFF
  NITF (rw+v): National Imagery Transmission Format

I also tried the "exp" and the "dev" versions of the "exp" packages, and ended up with the same result of missing JP2MrSID support, but I've omitted the output for the sake of brevity.

Is there a particular reason that JP2MrSID is missing, or am I simply overlooking something obvious? I'm guessing the latter, but I've searched everywhere to see why the support would be removed, or how to enable it some other way, and have come up empty-handed.

GDAL_SKIP of other JP2 drivers seems to have no effect (other than disabling other JP2 drivers) in any case.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by jef, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in gdal-2.1.0-3

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