Opened 9 years ago
Closed 9 years ago
#484 closed defect (wontfix)
The ordinal 3872 could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\OSGeo4W\bin\SSLEAY32.dll
Reported by: | julienPX | Owned by: | |
Priority: | major | Component: | Installer |
Version: | Keywords: | ordinal 3872 | |
Cc: | julienpixtrip@… |
Description ¶
Good afternoon,
I try to use GEOS with Django and MySQL. I installed the program "osgeo4w-setup-x86.exe" (Express Web-GIS Install, then GDAL only as prescribed on the DjangoProject site) on my computer (Windows 8.1). I followed all instructions. The installation ended with no errors.
I use the following versions:
- Python 2.7
- Django 1.8.9
- MySQL 5.5
I defined my DATABASE like that in Django: DATABASES = {
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'NAME': 'myapp', 'USER': 'root', 'PASSWORD': 'mypassword', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': '3306',
I created the database myapp in mySQL.
I set the environment variables like that : set OSGEO4W_ROOT=C:\OSGeo4W set PYTHON_ROOT=C:\Python27 set GDAL_DATA=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\share\gdal set PROJ_LIB=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\share\proj set PATH=%PATH%;%PYTHON_ROOT%;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin reg ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "%PATH%" reg ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v GDAL_DATA /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "%GDAL_DATA%" reg ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v PROJ_LIB /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "%PROJ_LIB%"
When I start my app, I get a window with the following error: "The ordinal 3872 could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\OSGeo4W\bin\SSLEAY32.dll"
I spent days trying to find an answer but nothing on the web. I tried to install PostgreSQL + PostGIS, reconfigured everything and got exactly the same error.
Here is the end of setup.log.full in C:\OSGeo4W\var\log: C:\OSGeo4W>dllupdate -oite -copy -reboot "C:\OSGeo4W\bin\libeay32.dll" C:\OSGeo4W\bin\libeay32.dll: Version= C:\WINDOWS\system32\libeay32.dll: Version= Target does not exist, no action. C:\OSGeo4W>dllupdate -oite -copy -reboot "C:\OSGeo4W\bin\ssleay32.dll" C:\OSGeo4W\bin\ssleay32.dll: Version= C:\WINDOWS\system32\ssleay32.dll: Version= Target does not exist, no action.
Thanks a lot ! Any help would be really useful.
Change History (7)
comment:1 by , 9 years ago
follow-up: 3 comment:2 by , 9 years ago
Thank you for the reply
What is OSGeo4w's Python ? I did not see any mention on this on djangoproject.
The error is produced each time I start the web app (i.e. executing, even for a very basic app based on this example:
And I get exactly the same error message when using PostgreSQL+PostGIS:
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis', 'NAME': 'myapp', 'USER': 'postgres', 'PASSWORD': 'mypass', 'HOST': 'localhost', 'PORT': ,
I would be much grateful for any help you can provide !
comment:3 by , 9 years ago
Replying to julienPX:
What is OSGeo4w's Python?
The python that you can install with osgeo4w-setup-x86.exe
follow-up: 5 comment:4 by , 9 years ago
Hi there! I just installed Python through the OSGeo4w package manager, but it generated other problems with my web apps. I would prefer to stick to the standard release of Python. Do you see any way to get rid of this "ordinal 3872" issue ? Thanks a lot for your help
comment:5 by , 9 years ago
Replying to julienPX:
I just installed Python through the OSGeo4w package manager, but it generated other problems with my web apps. I would prefer to stick to the standard release of Python. Do you see any way to get rid of this "ordinal 3872" issue ? Thanks a lot for your help
Not really. I need something to work with - preferable a minimal example that demonstrates a problem in OSGeo4W. If that's not possible at least a clear description where this actually happens (loading some specific python extension?)
comment:6 by , 9 years ago
Hi ! I did everything again with my personal computer (and not my professional one) and this time everything seems to be ok, so I guess the problem was generated by settings put in place by my company. Thanks anyway for the answers ! Julien
comment:7 by , 9 years ago
Resolution: | → wontfix |
Status: | new → closed |
Replying to julienPX:
So OSGeo4W is not first in PATH and you're not using OSGeo4W's python.
I suppose this is produces by an import. Can you come up with a minimal example causing this? Does it also occur when you try OSGeo4W's python?
That's actually good. ssleay32.dll shouldn't live in system32 and doesn't on that machine. Above only tries to updated it to the version that ships with OSGeo4W - because otherwise the version in system32 might cause similar problems as the above because system32 is always checked for DLL before the directories in PATH.