Opened 13 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#234 closed defect (fixed)

installer creates desktop shortcuts before asking whether I want them

Reported by: Alister Owned by: osgeo4w-dev@…
Priority: trivial Component: Installer
Version: Keywords:


After installing or updating various packages (QGIS, Grass, etc) the installer asks if you would like to create a shortcut in the start menu and/or on the desktop.

If I choose not to create a shortcut on the desktop, it is created anyway. In fact, I just installed on a new machine and noticed that the shortcuts are actually created _before_ the installer asks me whether I want them.

N.B. I always choose to install for "all users" (so the shortcuts are put in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop). Perhaps it actually would work if I chose to install only for myself...

Change History (5)

comment:1 by warmerdam, 13 years ago

Interesting point. The question about installing shortcuts currently only applies to the ones generated internally by the installer rather than by the per-package install scripts. This usually just means the OSGeo4W commandline icon.

Some thought should be given to either removing this question from the installer or making all the installer scripts honour the answer. This would also likely require us asking earlier.

I'm personally in favor of just removing the question since it would be easiest and making all the scripts honour the answer would be a great deal of work.

comment:2 by Alister, 13 years ago

How about removing the question and removing the desktop icons from all the packages? Do you think there are actually people who like programs to create desktop icons? Maybe I just assume everyone hates them because I've been using Linux for so long...

comment:3 by warmerdam, 13 years ago

I like them, and I'm a linux guy!

I do hate that if I push them all down into a subfolder that they get recreated on the next run, but I don't see that being very fixable.

I am getting the impression you don't like the idea of always creating them. I wonder how others feel about the difficulty of (over time I suppose) fixing up the install scripts to honour a no-desktop-icons switch.

comment:4 by Alister, 13 years ago

I am getting the impression you don't like the idea of always creating them.

That's putting it mildly ;)

It's particularly annoying if you run the QGIS nightly builds, as you might update every day or so, and they come back every time. Thankfully I don't have that problem anymore, because I run my own patched version of trunk :)

comment:5 by jef, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

The links are created by the postinstall scripts. The installer now has environment variables to tell them whether or not the links and menu entries are wanted or not. QGIS for instance obeys those, but there might be still packages around that don't.


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