Wordpress allows fine grain control over user permissions using "roles". There are two kinds of content on the website:
- Pages: Used for static content (home page, geoforall page, ...). Each page can have be restricted to users with a specific role.
- Posts: Used for dynamic content - when used as a blogging platform each post represents an update from the blog. We are using "custom post templates" with additional fields beyond a simple text block.
We have a naming convention for website roles:
*Authors* can create a new post, edit a post, and upload media (since most posts provide a icon or a background). Authors can not publish a post, they will need to ask an editor to review and publish.
(type post) author: (on their type of posts)
- edit,
- create a new
- upload media
*Editors* can create a new post, edit a post, and upload media -- in addition to deleting posts and publishing posts
(type post) editor: (on their type of posts)
- edit,
- create a new
- upload media
- delete
- publish
Subscriber ¶
Initial members are added as subscribers who can read content, manage their profile including profile picture (uploaded media file).
- Users - can manage their own profile
- Media - can upload media, used to set profile picture
Initially experimented with grvatar profile pictures; but this has not worked out. You will need to upload your own profile picture.
Author & Editor ¶
Used to manage foundation wide events, resources and Foundation News.
- Events
- Resources
- Foundation News
- Community News - mostly autofilled from planet.osgeo.org
- Local Chapters
During prelaunch many users were added as Editor.
GeoForAll Author & GeoForAll Editor ¶
GeoForAll Authors can create and edit GeoForAll Labs.
GeoForAll Editors can create, edit and publish GeoForAll Labs and promote users (to give members GeoForAll Authors and GeoForAll Editor permission).
- GeoForAll
- GeoForAll Labs
Partners Editor ¶
The board maintains a list of partners and friends of the organization.
- Partners
- Partners
Projects Author & Project Team & Projects Editor ¶
- Projects
- Choose a Project pages
- Projects
Service Provider Author & Service Provider Editor ¶
- Service Providers
- Service Providers