Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#832 closed task (wontfix)

access to ol subversion

Reported by: tschaub Owned by: sac@…
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: SysAdmin Keywords: svn
Cc: crschmidt, hobu


At some point, I lost svn access to parts of the OpenLayers subversion repo. I'm pretty sure I don't have access to the svn machine (my OSGeo ldap credentials don't work at Could I have access to this machine? Alternatively, could the access rules be changed to give me access to the directory again?

Change History (2)

comment:1 by warmerdam, 13 years ago

Cc: crschmidt hobu added
Keywords: svn added


I see the authz.tmpl file looks like:

committers = aabt, ahocevar, bartvde, bbinet, crschmidt, erilem, fredj, hhudson, hpbrantley, marcjansen, pagameba, pgiraud, sbrunner, tschaub, openlayersgit
sandbox = ahocevar, august, augusttown, bartvde, bbinet, bitner, bjornharrtell, bwoodall, cmoullet, crschmidt, dzwarg, erilem, fredj, fvanderbiest, hhudson, hpbrantley, igorti, igrcic, jennier, jgrocha, john_barca, john_powell, krisgeus, marcjansen, mpriour, ossipoff, pgiraud, rdewit, sbrunner, sderle, sonxurxo, tschaub, vmische, jachym

* = r
openlayersgit = rw

* = r
@committers = rw

* = r
@committers = rw
@sandbox = rw

The implication seems to be that the committers group (which you are in) does not have rw access to /, only to /addins. If I didn't know better I'd guess this somehow relates to a migration to git since there is special git stuff I don't understand on /. I'd suggest we figure out who configured things this way before altering it.

comment:2 by tschaub, 13 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

I've moved the website repository to a new host.

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