Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#818 closed task (fixed)

Requesting new icons for plots and stats

Reported by: cmbarton Owned by: robert
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Graphics Keywords: scatterplot and statistics icons


Recently, I've been creating some new analysis tools for GRASS in the form of a new histogram and scatterplot module that use PyPlot, like the profile module does. But we need a couple new icons to go along with these. The existing histogram icon is fine for the new histogram module, but we need a scatterplot icon for the new bivariate scatter plot tool.

Also, I'm adding buttons to these tools to display and optionally save relevant statistics with them (regression info for the scatterplot and univariate statistics for the histogram and profile). So we need a stats icon too.

For the scatterplot, I'm thinking it should look like the current profile icon (raster-layer-profile.png) but with an oval of points from lower left to upper right, instead of the current line. Keeping with current naming conventions would have it called raster-layer-scatterplot.png.

For the stats icon, I'm open to ideas, but a Greek capital sigma seems to evoke stats to me. Other possibilities could be a mean (x with a bar over it) or even mean +/- the standard deviation if there is room-- shown as x bar ± the SD greek symbol.

I'd mentioned a regression icon in my first email. I think I'll use a more generic stats icon in this case, but a regression icon should be easy to do with a regression line through a scatterplot point cloud.

Thanks much Michael Barton

Change History (2)

comment:1 by robert, 13 years ago

Hi Michael,

If you need some other combinations or changes, please let me know. Otherwise plase close this ticket.

regards, Robert

comment:2 by robert, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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