Opened 5 weeks ago

Closed 4 weeks ago

#3331 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Can OsGeo-Oceania channel be added to the Matrix Bridge?

Reported by: Josh Glenn Owned by: sac-tickets@…
Priority: normal Milestone: Unplanned
Component: SysAdmin Keywords: Matrix, sys-admin, feature-request



I have investigated where to ask this and it lead me to this trac page.

Could I ask for the relevant channels for: be added to this Bridge software if possible? To allow me and others to use a Matrix client to access the relevant OsGeo Oceania Slack channels without using Slack app.

Thank you Xuid0.

Attachments (1)

Screenshot_20250108-084604.png (187.5 KB ) - added by Josh Glenn 5 weeks ago.
Screenshot of all Slack channels needed on Bridge if possible?

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

by Josh Glenn, 5 weeks ago

Screenshot of all Slack channels needed on Bridge if possible?

comment:1 by robe, 5 weeks ago

Unfortunately I don't thik this is doable because the slack instance is under a different org from OSGeo. The way our matrix/slack bridge works, there is a matrix plugin (which actually I think is deprecated these days so we probably need to revisit that) on slack and then integration on the osgeo matrix side. When I set up a bridge I have to be admin of both orgs, and I only get an option to associate a slack channel hosted on slack org, with matrix channel aliased or hosted on our osgeo matrix.

@strk correct me if I am wrong and there is a way.

comment:2 by Josh Glenn, 5 weeks ago

I guess

Neither of this software can be implemented or is possible to be implemented?

comment:3 by strk, 4 weeks ago

I guess whoever has admin power on both Matrix room and Slack server can setup the bridge. The bridge service isn't run by OSGeo but by itself and is accessible via Element Web (

I don't have those powers so cannot help.

comment:4 by robe, 4 weeks ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

Okay closing this out. I think this has to be done by OpenStreetMap folks since they are presumably admins of the Slack. At anyrate needs to be discussed on the oceania mailing list as jsanz mentioned in #3332. Presumably someone there will know more about this.

Feel free to reopen if you find out we can do something on our end.

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