Opened 10 hours ago

Last modified 4 hours ago

#3322 new task

Request for VM to certify GeoServer

Reported by: peterafrigis Owned by: sac-tickets@…
Priority: normal Milestone: Unplanned
Component: SysAdmin Keywords:


Hi there

As per, and on behalf of the GeoServer PSC, can I please request a VM to host a couple of GeoServer containers for the purposes of reviving CITE testing & certification?

Thank you


Change History (1)

comment:1 by robe, 4 hours ago


1) Can this wait till January? I haven't yet built new images yet for latest debian and Ubuntu and don't plan to before January

and I don't want to create a new OS Container or VM using an image that would need immediate upgrading next year.

If you can't wait perhaps we can find an existing VM to put it on that another project won't mind sharing.

2) What are the specs you need for this:

OS: We generally standardize on debian or ubuntu, installing another OS would take a bit longer

3) Anything else you need you can install yourself once we give you admin rights to the VM.

4) Our web apps all go thru an nginx proxy, so will need to know what domain addresses you need exposed for this along with ports the nginx proxy should listen for.

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