Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#324 closed task (fixed)

GeoTools SVN Setup

Reported by: pramsey Owned by: sac@…
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: SysAdmin Keywords:


Geotools has voted to move their SVN infrastructure to OSGeo. The current SVN service is at We will need to determine a migration date, notify the community, dump, copy and restore. Paul Ramsey will be the contact for getting the current dump from and communicating with the GeoTools development team.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by tmitchell, 16 years ago

Component: GeneralSAC
Owner: changed from tmitchell to sac@…

switching to SAC

comment:2 by hobu, 16 years ago

After discussing with Paul on IRC, I think we should try to do this during the holiday period.

Additionally, GeoTools wishes to have WebDAV available to manage their download site. SAC would like to run download sites on TelaScience machines, and this means having LDAP authentication working from TelaScience -> Peer1. Martin and I hope to resolve these issues during our maintenance period this weekend.

comment:3 by hobu, 16 years ago is a webdav that authenticates against the gdal LDAP group on osgeo1. Once the geotools group exists, we can change it to use that. Also, the on this machine demonstrates how to connect via SSL to our LDAP using Apache.

comment:4 by jive, 16 years ago

The geotools proposal page documenting this migration is here:

The maven scripts will need to be updated to point to the webdav folder after the source code has moved so there will need to be some interaction with the GeoTools team.

comment:5 by crschmidt, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed


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