Opened 4 months ago

Last modified 4 months ago

#3160 new task

repo entry for netcdf/4.0.patch broken: misses the jar file

Reported by: bernhard Owned by: jive
Priority: normal Milestone: Unplanned
Component: SysAdmin/Repo Keywords:


A jar file is missing from the repo, which breaks build of old tags and links from outside.

Suggested solution:

adding of the jar file (from a backup or somebody's cache). as of today has the following files:

netcdf-4.0.patch.jar.md5	Fri Aug 06 21:39:07 GMT 2021	32	
netcdf-4.0.patch.jar.sha1	Fri Aug 06 21:37:56 GMT 2021	40	
netcdf-4.0.patch.pom	        Fri Aug 06 21:39:08 GMT 2021	190	
netcdf-4.0.patch.pom.md5	Fri Aug 06 21:39:08 GMT 2021	32	
netcdf-4.0.patch.pom.sha1	Fri Aug 06 21:39:09 GMT 2021	40	



is missing.

So when trying to build e.g. the old 3.6.x from Geonetwork the build fails. Even though netcdf-4.0.patch is outdated (just like this version of Geonetwork using it) keeping the file around for being able to reproduce old builds and thus reason about changes is useful.

External links are broken like the link to the jar file from

The file in question is not available from upstream anymore, so it would need to be located. Some users have it in their cache. (I know someone has but the person is unavailable for another week.)

Wild guess: the assumed corruption of the repos mentioned at #3116 may have also let to this file missing.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by bernhard, 4 months ago

Component: SysAdminSysAdmin/Repo
Owner: changed from sac-tickets@… to jive
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