Opened 15 months ago
Closed 15 months ago
Last modified 15 months ago
Just noticed trac acting sluggish and when I went to check was down to 85MB left.
ran -
bash tracsvn run
to delete every other snapshot that cleared 17G
ran the "Delete all repositories' archives (ZIP, TAR.GZ, etc..)" gitea process and that cleared another 30G.
wonder if we can up the frequency of that or have it completely purge. As I recall I think the scheduled job only purges things older than 24 hrs.
Cleared another 40G by running the bash tracsvn run again.
ran -
to delete every other snapshot that cleared 17G
ran the "Delete all repositories' archives (ZIP, TAR.GZ, etc..)" gitea process and that cleared another 30G.
wonder if we can up the frequency of that or have it completely purge. As I recall I think the scheduled job only purges things older than 24 hrs.