Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#2609 closed task (fixed)

New mailing list request Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza (Spain)

Reported by: msevilla00 Owned by: cvvergara
Priority: normal Milestone: Unplanned
Component: SysAdmin/Mailman Keywords:



I'm writing for requesting mailing list for an Spanish Local OSGeo/Geoinquietos group: "Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza"

We area among other local geoinquietos groups as you can see here:

Since 2016 we are promoting activities linked to OSGeo and libre spatial data (OpenStreetMap mainly) and we would like to move our email list from Google to a proper place for OSGeo-like groups.

Proposed name list: mapcolabora [at] Admin: miguel [at] mapcolabora [dot] org

Thanks very much in advance


Miguel Sevilla-Callejo Co-coordinator of Mapeado Colaborativo / Geoinquietos Zaragoza group

Change History (1)

comment:1 by cvvergara, 4 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Sent you a mail with information you need to access it.

Some characteristics:

  • You are set as administrator and moderator.
  • Language is set to be Spanish
  • The mailing list is here:

Please make sure:

  • you can access
  • people can register
  • you can send/receive mail

Please reopen the ticket if something is wrong

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