Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#2484 closed task (fixed)

FOSS4G 2021 domain

Reported by: mlibman Owned by: sac@…
Priority: normal Milestone: Unplanned
Component: SysAdmin Keywords:


We need the subdomain to point to our website

We have our website up and running at

Because it's a GitLab page, we need[1]:

  • A DNS A or CNAME record pointing to GitLab Pages server.
  • A DNS TXT record to verify the domain’s ownership

For the last part you will need a token, that I can generate once I know you will use it, as it expires.



Change History (7)

comment:1 by wildintellect, 5 years ago

I've added the CNAME record per Gitlab's subdomain instructions. Go ahead send me the TXT challenge info directly, or add me to the gitlab project(wildintellect on I'll put it in.

Thanks - Alex

comment:2 by mlibman, 5 years ago

Hi Alex, I just added you to the Gitlab Project

comment:3 by wildintellect, 5 years ago

I'm in, but I think I need more permissions to see the settings.

comment:4 by mlibman, 5 years ago

Oh! sorry, check now please

comment:5 by wildintellect, 5 years ago

Ok HTTP is enabled, HTTPS should propagate in a few minutes. Will check back later today, and close this ticket when confirmed.

comment:6 by wildintellect, 5 years ago

Didn't do the TXT record right the 1st time. Got it now. Domain is verified. "GitLab is obtaining a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate for this domain. This process can take some time. Please try again later."

comment:7 by wildintellect, 5 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed works. Closing.

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