Opened 6 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#2344 new task

Service providers pages are limited to list 4 "core contributor" projects

Reported by: aaime Owned by: webcom@…
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: WebSite Keywords:


GeoSolutions is core contributor to a number of projects, in particular, more than four.

We noticed that the page was not listing GeoNode (see geosolutions_no_geonode.png in attachment), even if the company is listed as a core contributor.

Jody suggested to remove GeoSolutions as core contributor from GeoWebCache to see if there was a limit of four logos, and indeed geonode showed up (see geosolutions_geonode.png in attachment).

Adding back GeoWebCache restores the previous situation. So, it seems the is a limit of 4 core contribution logos in the service provider page. Can it be raised to a higher number (or the limit removed altoghether?)

Change History (4)

by aaime, 6 years ago

Attachment: geosolutions_no_geonode.png added

GeoSolutions page with no GeoNode logo

by aaime, 6 years ago

Attachment: geosolutions_geonode.png added

Removing GeoSolutions among the GeoWebCache core contributors makes the GeoNode logo show up

comment:1 by aaime, 6 years ago

Forgot to leave a link to the page, here:

Right now we have removed GeoWebCache to have GeoNode show up.

comment:2 by cvvergara, 6 years ago

Is that on the "Project contributions" section on the about page?

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