Opened 10 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#1478 closed task (fixed)

Relocate CodeHaus Jira

Reported by: jive Owned by: astrodog
Priority: critical Milestone:
Component: SysAdmin Keywords: geotools, geoserver


Okay, adding an issue here to open a conversation with SAC.

CodeHaus ( is shutting down in one months time on April 2nd:

We need to make plans to migrate :(

A license to use Jira for open source projects is available, this should allow OSGeo to host an instance if SAC has capacity (in hardware and volunteers) to assist.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by wildintellect, 10 years ago

This isn't a simple yes/no question. I think we're going to need to have a longer discussion on the SAC mailing list about options.

  1. Yes we are working to rack new hardware this month, to fix and expand current capacity issues.
  2. Unless Geoserver or GeoTools et al. can volunteer an admin to run Confluence, JIRA etc no we don't really have someone for that.
  3. Alternate's include, OSGeo hosted trac, OSGeo hosted Gitlab (In planning stages), Github, etc... any existing services we already use...

More details and place to write down needs:

Thanks - Alex

comment:2 by jive, 10 years ago

Started discussion on SAC mailing list ...

  1. Good news about hardware, we would need to see about how much capacity Jira would require.
  1. GeoServer/GeoTools PSC may be in position to act as admin as we would prefer a vendor neutral home for the issue tracker.
  1. We are also looking at Jira cloud hosting, but OSGeo is our preference. The community has a strong push back to use of github / track / bugzilla due to concerns about file size (for patches and test-data).

Not sure where on that wiki to put down needs. We are pretty stressed about this sudden deadline, and the earlier we transition the better as I assume codehaus will be hammered by projects migrating close to the deadline.

comment:3 by wildintellect, 10 years ago

Make a bullet under Sub bullets with the relevant specs, disk size, etc...

comment:4 by jive, 10 years ago

Reached out to GeoAPI project who would also appreciate finding a home at an OSGeo Jira.

comment:5 by jive, 10 years ago

Owner: changed from sac@… to astrodog

Migration is starting up, will need to migrate attachments via REST.

With that in mind here are the initial projects:

comment:6 by jive, 10 years ago

New instance is up and is being used to report issues.

Migration of comments seems to have occurred last Friday. Issue details remain empty.

We have a release scheduled for the 18th affected by this process.

comment:7 by strk, 9 years ago

Is there anything left to do here ?

in reply to:  7 comment:8 by jef, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Replying to strk:

Is there anything left to do here ?

guess not

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